Animation & Key Frames: FSX/P3D

Flaps sorted at last!!! There are 4 options for each side listed in the makmdldefs. I was using L_Flaps_key, now looking at the .xml in the defs file it has a scale of -1, a bias of 50 with grads as units. Thats what was giving me reverse action. So I have now got it correct using L_Flaps_percent_key, which has a scale of 1, 0 bias & percent as units.
My usual method of animating flaps to 90° in FS9 does not work in FSX, so have had to animate to the desired max angle when at frame 100. The config values then correctly set the visual & aero values in degrees.
Next object is to get the wingfold sequence correct, it is folding but not in the correct order ( touch of Morecome& Wise with Andre Previn for those UK readers of a certain generation)
Then onto Textures......after some of Nigels tuition!
Thanks for reading & replying folks, most useful.
Animation sequence sorted - again slightly different from FS9 - at least the way I did it - all parts must start from frame 0 regardless of start motion frame.
Old dogs - new tricks problem Milton......I had read that but it didn't sink in as I always started FS9 animations at 0 but could then slide the marker along to put a delay in - doesn't work in FSX as I now know.