Another Hawker Hunter


Charter Member
Per special request... a repaint of Dave Garwoods Hawker Hunter in the colors of Lortie Aviation based in Quebec City, Quebec.
Nice Work John...:medals: (As always, your repaints are excellent).

Dave Garwood's Hunter does weird things to my sim, even with your repaints on them. If I cycle the views in flight, and then return to the "spot view", the ground textures go flat momentarily. If I just stay in that view, the visual model retains it's clairity, and the ground textures come back after about 10 - 15 seconds. It's strange...

Since I like the Hawker Hunter and couldn't be without one, I purchased the AlphaSim model. No problems with that one but I really like Dave Garwood's Hunters and wished I could use them...:crybaby:

Hey Cees --

I remember reading something about that in a thread here at SOH a while back. I think it was determined that there was something going on with the model that caused the issues with the ground textures. Not sure if anyone came up with a solution.... I have other planes done by Dave Garwood that work just fine however.

The AFG King Air 300 does that along with Joe Binka's Cessna 195 and Dave's hunter on my system. Sydney had some scenery objects that did it as well. Sid fixed his stuff with a new texture format but Dave's Hunter or the AFG King air still do it. Same for the C-195. I found that after the scenery goes blurry, hitting the alt key (in full screen mode) with sharpen things back up and after that it seems fine when you change views.

I have the same issue with Dave's hawker hunter. But I like the model so well that I just live with it.
Great Job

Thanks John :applause:, great job. I owe you one :icon29: By the way, I have the same problems with the ground textures going blurry, a small price to pay for a great aircraft.
Interesting repaint

Is it available for download ? If yes where ?

Do yoy plan to remake this repaint for the AlphaSim Hunter ?
( please ! ) If yes thanks !

To know more about Quebec's ( CYQB ) "Lortie Aviation" and
its support role for armed forces, take a look here :

President André Lortie is a retired ex-Canadian Air Force officer
an experience pilot, once member of the "Snowbirds" Demo team.

Best regards !
DXT3 converting


Scroll down to and download ""

From age I convert all my FS2004 planes textures to the DXT3 format with the software DXTBmp

For best results I set the filters like this:

Include when saving Unticked
Use 16 Bit Dither Unticked
Scaling filter
Sharpen Soft

EG .. the Hunter



As per Mr McLeland's instructions referred to above, convert all DXT1 textures to include MipMaps. This is all you need to do to solve the blurry texture problem. These textures are the panel, wheels and cockpit etc. files. The 32-bit external textures for the sides, wings, tail etc. can be left as they are if your computer can handle it.
The AFG King Air 300 does that along with Joe Binka's Cessna 195 and Dave's hunter on my system. Sydney had some scenery objects that did it as well. Sid fixed his stuff with a new texture format but Dave's Hunter or the AFG King air still do it. Same for the C-195. I found that after the scenery goes blurry, hitting the alt key (in full screen mode) with sharpen things back up and after that it seems fine when you change views.


Brian can you also hit the Alt key when in the VC, to help sort out the blurreys?

I ask because I have this problem with some aircraft like capsim c130, wellington, and some posky modles. Flying in the VC is my preference and if I change to outside view, the textures pull like crazy, leaving clouds jagged edged, ground textures blurred etc.

I just uploaded to here the Lortie Aviation textures for DG's Hunter. I converted the DXT1 files to include mipmaps to get rid of the scenery fuzzies.
Thanks John!! :medals:

I converted all the DXT1 textures in Dave's Hunter package "", (The Export Variants). I put the plane back into FS9 and went for a flight from Brisbane Int'l to Cairns. (A nice long flight with multiple views) and it worked. No more flat ground textures or square clouds. I used Martin Wright's DXTBMP package.

It's a lot of work initially but you only need to do it one time. Just copy the converted text's into each additional texture folder and overwrite when asked.

Wasn't there a tool to perform batch processing conversions?

I took a look into Waddington's texture folder, and there's a huge pile of DXT1 files...
"Meatwater" made a batch conversion routine to convert files to DXT3 (
I don't know if it could be edited to convert DXT1 files but you should be able to find it on the usual sites if you wanted to try.

"Here's a little batchscript that will help you convert many texture files on the fly to DXT3 format without having to open/close the all one by one.

Simply put the two files imagetool.exe and bmp2dxt3.bat into the main directory of the aircraft you would like to work on. It does not matter how many texture subdirectories there are, the tool will go through them all and convert whatever it finds in there."

****, of course!
