Antonov An-225 Mriya Is No More

Truly a massive loss (literally) to the aviation and airlift community. I did know there was a second started but I didn't know that it was about 70% complete when they cancelled it! The second fuselage , wing panels and other parts are tucked away and look to be in really good shape and hopefully will remain that way. The head of Antonov Airlines has stated it will be rebuilt at Russia's cost. (We'll see how that goes.) I had wondered why they didn't fly it out when the attacks started but I guess there was some damage done to the landing gear during a touchdown in early January. Good news it that it shares many parts with the 124. (Indeed the outer four engines and wing panels are the wings from a 124. The 225 has the center section spliced in between them with the other two engines.) Fingers crossed on the resurrection of the second. On I side note I've always wondered why they deleted the rear cargo doors and ramp on the 225.

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