Ant's DH.82 Tiger Moth ❤️ for MSFS

The P3D paintkit works fine if you resize the fuselage and both wing textures to 4096 x 4096 x 96 DPI and add '4K' to the name, e.g. atm_COL_fuselage4K.psd
Haven't made the switch over to MSFS yet. Still happy rattling around in FSX, where I spend an inordinate amount of my time flying Ant's FSX version of the Tiger Moth.

And thought I was happy!

But looking at the detail in Ant's MSFS version of the Tiger Moth I'm blown away. So too am I by the incredible detail of the landscape's shown in the various screenshots. MSFS is really a quantum leap ahead of FSX. FSX looks positively bland in comparison.

Gonna have to upgrade, no doubt about it. :)
It's so good to have Ant's Tiger Moth in MSFS, and so many great repaints already. I wonder if someone could do my favourite
British Tiger Moth, G-AHOO, in it's green livery.

Thanks - Rob
Talking about G-AHOO: I hate my nitpicking attitude towards digital aircraft models. Particularly when the're as close to my heart as can be. Which even might be an understatement.

Anyway, here's what's on my nitpicking heart regarding Ant's fabulous Tiger Moth: anyone else thinks that the pilot figures could/should be a tad bigger ? Don't they make the Tiggie look a bit too big ?...




If i didn't absolutely insanely adore Ant's Tiggie i probabely wouldn't have bothered about the size of the pilot figures (nore about if Anthony may even detail/animate them a bit more (Ooh LaLa!... Long white scarf flapping about in the propwash ?...) since the're so in the wide open for anybody to see.. :smile:

Who knows, he might be listening..

( P.S. i have always heared/learned that the Tiger Moth (like the Spitfire) is an aeroplane that you 'don't step into' as such, you 'put it on !' The pilot in the first G-AHOO photo here above clearly shows that particular phrase..)
you're not wrong - the difference is slight but it's there. Brings up a point about MSFS that is baffling. Why is scaling all over the place with the 3D models in this sim?
The Milviz F4u, The GotFriends GeeBee, and dozens of freeware offerings have had scaling problems - some having to be redone.

I don't remember this happening in FSX and can't help but wonder if there's a reference tool missing from the SDK that would prevent this from happening.
I hadn't noticed, but now you come to mention it, yes the pilot figures are slightly too small. I talked to one developer many years ago (he's no longer active), and he said it is a notoriously difficult thing to get right. I don't know why that should be, but small/large pilot figures are something I've seen a number of times over the years, so he must have been right about it. That aside, Ant's Tiger Moth is bordering on perfection - really one of the most enjoyable aircraft in MSFS at the moment. I'm really looking forward to his CAC Winjeel too.

This front seat pilot was just over 6 foot tall ... I know cos it was me and I didn't quite fit...
The rear pilot was quite snug
Click on the pix to enlarge them :)