Any help appreciated - IL2-1946

Shadow Wolf 07

My install is already set up months ago and I forgot the sequence. I am helping a friend install his IL2-1946. Do any of you know specifically which patches are needed. I have a bunch of IL2 patched in my archive but do not remember which ones are for the 1946 variant. I see links here, in this forum for 4.09, 4.10 and 4.101. Aren't there more?


SW07 :wavey:
My install is already set up months ago and I forgot the sequence. I am helping a friend install his IL2-1946. Do any of you know specifically which patches are needed. I have a bunch of IL2 patched in my archive but do not remember which ones are for the 1946 variant. I see links here, in this forum for 4.09, 4.10 and 4.101. Aren't there more?


SW07 :wavey:

I could try and get intouch with my old squadron. see if they still have it.
During a recent Steam sale, I noticed that 1946 is available there for a rather modest price.

I wonder if anyone can tell me whether any of the patches mentioned above are included in the Steam version.

I also noticed that the information on Steam says that it's for Windows versions up to XP only. Is this actually true ?

Thanks in advance for any help,