The float Sirius is going to be part of the package. I have never included two models in a package so I have to research how it's done but it will be done.
The float Sirius is going to be part of the package. I have never included two models in a package so I have to research how it's done but it will be done.
You wouldn't be able to combine them in the same base folder, since things such as contact points and empty weights can only be done for one style. If you make installers, just compile both into the same exe. You can save disk space by only doing the panel and sounds once and aliasing the other.
I've been interested in the Lockheed Sirius ever since I read the book "North To The Orient" which described the Lindberghs' Great Circle flight from New York to China via Canada and Alaska. That would make for a great flight sim trip.
Oh good, you are doing the wheeled version with open cockpits. It wasn't until later that the cockpits were enclosed at the suggestion of Anne Lindbergh. The sliding canopies would be correct for the float version of NR211, though I don't have details on the timing of when the floats were attached and when the cockpits were enclosed.
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