Any word from the Grizz?


Good evening,

Just wanted to pass along an update about Kasey. He continues to be in rehab, but remains a family with his wife and children, and can leave the facility for several hours a day, though he is not strong enough to be out of the facility on a full-time basis yet. They finally got to the bottom of the root cause, which is a neurological disorder. He seems to be in good spirits, and would like to post himself, but trying to do so on a phone with nephropathy in both hands makes it extremely difficult for him to do so.

That being said, he insisted I post to provide you with an update. :encouragement:
Good to hear he is getting better. Will keep him and his family in my prayers. Hope he continues to recover from this and will be able to leave the facility soon to be with his family full time.Regards,Scott