Anyone Tried this Pitts?

As for what I know I have all the freewares myself. I like the looks of it as I have been reading about it in the FSX area here. Iris released one awhile back but I heard it was a real frame killer.
...I only use FS9 for now, but I'd like to see more feedback. Also a nice layered paint kit in PSD would get me to bite without hesitation.
I am extremely curious.....I have a thing for the Pitts, so if this one is as good as it looks, it might just find a spot in the hangar.....

No ...
I use some freewares Pitts .. and a payware Pureflight Simulation Pitts S2A
Not really better than the freewares :)

The PS Pitts .....



  • Looks rather nice but ......................£19.95??????
  • I'll stick with my much loved LIC Eagle thank you!
That's a neat plane. Very high quality model. Looks almost like Digital Aviation's work. The VC is especially nice.

I have zero interest in acrobatic flying, so i'll probably skip this purchase...tho the beautiful model is tempting....hmmm...... :)


ps. nice shots btw!
Well...any Lycoming sound pack will do, really.
Are those FSX shots??

as long as it's a Lycoming I/O-540 i'd say.... what about using the sounds from the freeware Edge 540? that should work nicely...

nice looking model, but like wombat it's going to be hard pressed to find a way into my aerobatic hangar (Mainstays being Extra 300L, Edge 540, Christen Eagle, Pitts S2b, Pitts S1-11b, and a Pitts S2c...along with several others). £20 near enough is not bad, what are the FD's like? the pitts should fly like a maniac... just see what Skip Stewart can do with one :wiggle:
That's what it cost, $31 U.S.
...Now I'm gun shy.

I'll pass for now. But will put in on my list of considered purchases
Tom we both get this we may have to team up and fly some formations and aerobatics, just like we did on FSX with 'Papa' and 'Corkscrew'....
No, FS9 pics.
Well...even allowing for your usual standard of screenshot, that's a mighty fine looking FS9 specimen, then!
Here I go.
Edit: seems the plane might be proving quite popular, I don't get beyond 5MB and the d/l hangs...
Edit2: got a very prompt reply from David Chester, there is a server issue hopefully resolved by tomorrow.

The screenshots look great. I've also looked at the various freeware models and they look great, too. No freeware VC shots however.

So, does anyone have any comments as to how it compares to the freeware models from the perspective of flying from the VC??


purchased :jump:
now I am (impatiently) awaiting serial key

hm seriously hope that the mail with the key does arrive (purchase via paypal made at 20:00 and now it is 20:47 still no serial arrived)

David Sorted out the Problem!
