Anyway to make AI more formidable?

Hi Old Crow,
another way to improve AI which isn't mentioned yet is to increase the CPU speed, by overclocking a bit. This helps both enemy and friendly AI.

I imagine that your wingman AI behaviour is also influenced by their loadouts - ie. whether they think they are in search_destry mode, escort mode, or intercept mode.
Hmmm, I'm running a Core2Duo 2.4Ghz at about 2.6Ghz as it is. With my 8800GTX, SoundBlaster X-Fi, and 6G RAM, my system eats this sim for breakfast.

I'm using a loadout with drop tanks usually for Sweep and Interception.
How about the PilotAttributes.xml???
I'm trying this out now.

<Attribute Name="vision" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="gtolerance" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="level" Default="40" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="age" Default="20" Min="19" Max="36"/>
<Attribute Name="Maxhealth" Default="25" Min="19" Max="36"/>
<Attribute Name="vision" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="gtolerance" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="level" Default="40" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="age" Default="20" Min="19" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="Maxhealth" Default="35" Min="19" Max="56"/>
I've been following this thread but without much clue as to what you're altering to be honest, but does it work? Are the ai more aggressive/behave differently with these mods?

Seems to me that if this is a good working fix it ought to be uploaded or even included in the ETO install so that we can all benefit! :)

Keep up the good work.
Yes! You are on to it now lad. Steady, steady... :woot:

Keep tweaking those numbers. That's the other file I was talking about. Now in your vision class numbers back in the previous file. Are the zero numbers visible at all? Does it show bogey for a long time and then finally name, or nothing until in close?

Pat, I'd be happy to pitch in some. I think OldCrow has come up with another promising tweak. Lets hammer it out and see if people want it. There is a subjective element so we might need a poll.
Yes! You are on to it now lad. Steady, steady... :woot:

Keep tweaking those numbers. That's the other file I was talking about. Now in your vision class numbers back in the previous file. Are the zero numbers visible at all? Does it show bogey for a long time and then finally name, or nothing until in close?

Pat, I'd be happy to pitch in some. I think OldCrow has come up with another promising tweak. Lets hammer it out and see if people want it. There is a subjective element so we might need a poll.

It shows bogey and plane type for a long time, and only when they are VERY close, will the pilot name appear. For instance, when in formation, most of your wingmen's names don't appear when you cycle through them. Maybe the 2 closest do.

The AI vision is better all around also. The badguys will chase you a lot further and mre aggresively now. Diving to treetop and zipping away is a bit more of a challenge now. Without clouds, the escape is more difficuult for sure.

As far as the other tweaks to the AI, I have honestly not noticed much improvement as far the friendly AI scoring kills, although, they are definitely surviving much much more. This probably is due to the enemy AI are also improved overall. Unfortunetly, the wingmen helping to kill the enemy better was one of my main goals. This also may have a lot to do with the Wingmen being inexperienced due to it's early in the campaign.

I also do notice that the the AI wingmen do have improved stats when I looked at the roster.
OK that's great. Just fine with the bogey distance even in formation. NOw for the AI friendly and Enemy, that will take some time to work out. In campaign, you might find the best results. It will take a while for the wingmen to build points. One nagging problem is the response time of the AI. You can berate them with "form up" commands while you try to engage to have them follow you. They still seem to doddle around the sky getting themselves perfectly lined up to get clobbered by the enemy just when you get into gun range to try and save them. MOST annoying!

I have adjusted the Gtolence tables to make the blackouts a little less frequent and it seemed to make the AI a bit better also.

Hmmm, I'm running a Core2Duo 2.4Ghz at about 2.6Ghz as it is. With my 8800GTX, SoundBlaster X-Fi, and 6G RAM, my system eats this sim for breakfast.

I'm using a loadout with drop tanks usually for Sweep and Interception.
Hi Old Crow, :wavey:

whilst you heve a great system for eye candy (very similar to mine), I've read and to some extent also experienced the gain in AI ability that comes from sheer clock speed. There are some old threads in OFF from other people who have experienced same. To the extent that some people don't recommend dual core - they recommend getting the fastest single core CPU available - simply because the old CPUs have higher clock speeds than dual core rigs(until very recently at least). I'm guessing but that is in the mid 3 Gigs?

Keep us poosted with your tweaks to pilotconstants. I've changed the basic vision and health averages - it is done in a different file, can't remember what but it doesn't have all the complicated figures - just the three main parameters vision, gtolerance and health IIRC. But the effect is that when I start a campaign, my pilot starts in the 30s for vision rather than in the 20s. This probably applies to the AI wingmen in the campaign, too. All I would have to do to confirm is look in the campaign stats file, which lists experience, health, kills etc for all in the squadron.

Hi Old Crow, :wavey:

whilst you heve a great system for eye candy (very similar to mine), I've read and to some extent also experienced the gain in AI ability that comes from sheer clock speed. There are some old threads in OFF from other people who have experienced same. To the extent that some people don't recommend dual core - they recommend getting the fastest single core CPU available - simply because the old CPUs have higher clock speeds than dual core rigs(until very recently at least). I'm guessing but that is in the mid 3 Gigs?

Keep us poosted with your tweaks to pilotconstants. I've changed the basic vision and health averages - it is done in a different file, can't remember what but it doesn't have all the complicated figures - just the three main parameters vision, gtolerance and health IIRC. But the effect is that when I start a campaign, my pilot starts in the 30s for vision rather than in the 20s. This probably applies to the AI wingmen in the campaign, too. All I would have to do to confirm is look in the campaign stats file, which lists experience, health, kills etc for all in the squadron.

You're probably right about the clock speeds. I'm sure CFS3 doesn't make use of the 2nd Core, so it looks like I'm running a 2.4G Pentium, although the Core2Duo is actually much faster per clock speed because they are far more efficient. Oh well, i'm not about to go get a CPU anytime soon, and will NEVER go back to the single core days.

As for the AI tweak you were talking about, it is the PilotAttributes.xml. Mine now looks like this (below) and my AI is a lot more responsive and useful. It also makes the enemy better too it seems to me.

<Attribute Name="vision" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="gtolerance" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="level" Default="40" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="age" Default="20" Min="19" Max="36"/>
<Attribute Name="Maxhealth" Default="25" Min="19" Max="36"/>
<Attribute Name="vision" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="gtolerance" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="level" Default="40" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="age" Default="20" Min="19" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="Maxhealth" Default="35" Min="19" Max="56"/>
I agree about dual core, OldCrow. Thx for reminder on Pilot Attributes.

I would find it terribly hard to go back from multi core for day to day computer use. However as the old single core chips get cheaper (fingers crossed) I am very tempted to take my old box and stick in a built up mobo with a v fast CPU, purely for playing this infernal sim :typing:
These are the Vision Ranges I'm now using and I like the results. These are in the pilotconstants.xml file.

<entry name="VisionRanges" type="int=string"
value="0=None,400=Close,1500=Normal,3000=Far,6000=Extreme" />
<entry name="VisionClasses" type="int=string"
value="0=Blind,1=Below Average,26=Average,51=Above Average,76=Superior" />
<entry name="VisionRangeMods_Class1" type="int" value="0,0,875,1125,1000" />
<entry name="VisionRangeMods_Class2" type="int" value="0,0,1750,2250,2000" />
<entry name="VisionRangeMods_Class3" type="int" value="0,0,3500,4500,4000" />
<entry name="VisionRangeMods_Class4" type="int" value="0,0,3600,4600,4100" />

These are the new G- Tolerences I'm using, and again, I like the results. The campaign I'm playing mostly is late "what if" in Europe. So Very fast prop planes and jets are the norm, and the low G-Tolerences made dogfighting pretty lame, as well as DARK! So I did these below, and the AI actually got better too.

<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class0" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.140, 0.075, 20.0, 110.0, -13.0, -40.0, -1.0, 3.5" />
<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class1" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.145, 0.078, 30.0, 130.0, -14.0, -45.0, -1.0, 3.8" />
<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class2" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.150, 0.080, 35.0, 150.0, -15.0, -50.0, -1.0, 4.5" />
<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class3" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.155, 0.082, 40.0, 155.0, -15.0, -50.0, -1.0, 4.8" />
<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class4" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.160, 0.084, 45.0, 160.0, -15.0, -55.0, -1.0, 5.2" />
<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class5" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.165, 0.086, 55.0, 165.0, -15.0, -60.0, -1.0, 5.5" />
If you have finished with all the tweaks, perhaps you could give a summary of them all now, or as I think Pat Pattle said, upload them as a doc or pdf here.
Here's a summary of my AI Tweaks to make both the enemy AI and the friendly wingmen more aggresive and useful. Some of these tweaks in the pilotconstants.xml also give you a little bit of an advantage. IMO, the Gtolence table was a bit to sensetive. Blacking out at early levels at 3Gs seemed a bit stupid to me. Also, the use of G-suits later in the war would make the pilots better at resisting High Gs. As far as I know, the Allies used them in 1944, and I'm sure the germans would be using them shortly thereafter...knowing how brilliant they were.
The Vision is helpful to allow you to bark orders out a little earlier and coordinate strategy a little better.

These are the Vision Ranges I'm now using and I like the results. These are in the pilotconstants.xml file.

<entry name="VisionRanges" type="int=string"
value="0=None,400=Close,1500=Normal,3000=Far,6000= Extreme" />
<entry name="VisionClasses" type="int=string"
value="0=Blind,1=Below Average,26=Average,51=Above Average,76=Superior" />
<entry name="VisionRangeMods_Class1" type="int" value="0,0,875,1125,1000" />
<entry name="VisionRangeMods_Class2" type="int" value="0,0,1750,2250,2000" />
<entry name="VisionRangeMods_Class3" type="int" value="0,0,3500,4500,4000" />
<entry name="VisionRangeMods_Class4" type="int" value="0,0,3600,4600,4100" />

These are the new G- Tolerences I'm using, and again, I like the results. These are in the pilotconstants.xml file.
The campaign I'm playing mostly is late "what if" in Europe. So Very fast prop planes and jets are the norm, and the low G-Tolerences made dogfighting pretty lame, as well as DARK! So I did these below, and the AI actually got better too.

<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class0" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.140, 0.075, 20.0, 110.0, -13.0, -40.0, -1.0, 3.5" />
<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class1" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.145, 0.078, 30.0, 130.0, -14.0, -45.0, -1.0, 3.8" />
<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class2" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.150, 0.080, 35.0, 150.0, -15.0, -50.0, -1.0, 4.5" />
<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class3" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.155, 0.082, 40.0, 155.0, -15.0, -50.0, -1.0, 4.8" />
<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class4" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.160, 0.084, 45.0, 160.0, -15.0, -55.0, -1.0, 5.2" />
<entry name="GTolFormulaConstants_Class5" type="float" value="2.0, 3.0, 0.165, 0.086, 55.0, 165.0, -15.0, -60.0, -1.0, 5.5" />

These tweaks make both your wingmen and the enemy AI more effective and aggresive.
This located in the PilotAttributes.xml

<Attribute Name="vision" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="gtolerance" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="level" Default="40" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="age" Default="20" Min="19" Max="36"/>
<Attribute Name="Maxhealth" Default="25" Min="19" Max="36"/>
<Attribute Name="vision" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="gtolerance" Default="45" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="level" Default="40" Min="29" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="age" Default="20" Min="19" Max="56"/>
<Attribute Name="Maxhealth" Default="35" Min="19" Max="56"/>
Ah, yes this brings back a memory of a discussion ...

The vision range also changes how the little boxes appear in the stock radar screen. A couple of years ago we changed this to see when and how we could develop more effective radar screens and use the stock radar for interceptions.

When your vision become less sensitive, ie., the bogey or no label is the status until you get very close, this also changes the color of the little boxes in the radar screen too. So when (I do forget) made a new radar texture, changed the colors to black (little boxes) this modeled the limited range WW2 radar had. We did this because elevation is not effectively modeld in the radar so to help with interceptions and the longer the box did not appear we knew that the plane was well too high or low as well is azimuth and distance.

This is a great reminder so when we make TOW we can fix the little things that make the game so frustrating. James you reading ....

I hope that this does make the AI more agressive since it is very disappointing to have them flop about and do nothing.

Does anybody have tested AI with heavy fighters such as the Ju88Cs? It seems that CFS3 is coded for lights fighters only and when it fly with a heavier ship, he is completely lost.

Flying a Hallifax in the Bay of Biscay area and beeing intercepted by 4 Kg40 Ju88s is not frightening at all..... they simply can't do anything.

With the setup descibes above, does anybody have noticed an AI improvement with heavy fighters?

Setting AI to ace give a real good result with the He219 but there is no change with the Ju88.
Yeah, heavy fighters are a problem. I have my Do-335s pretty well done with speed and agility and I can dominate with it when I use it, but the AI isn't good at usage of non-nimble fighters really. The heavy fighters are not the AIs friend.
the concept of boom and zoom doesn't exist with them.