Approach Problem


I can't seem to get the Approach buttons to work. The planes are the Cessna 172 Skyhawk using the liveries G1000 and the Amphibious one which has a combination of Autopilot capabilities.

In the G1000 livery, the ALT and HDG funtions work but pressing the APR button does not turn it on.

In the Amphibious livery, the ALT and HDG functions work and pressing the APR indicates it is on but not activated.

Anyone having success with Approach buttons?
Are you flying an ILS / VOR/ NDB published approach, or an RNAV published approach?? if one based on a NAVAID, is the proper freq dialed in NAV1?? I do not have FS2024 so I am guessing what may be wrong ---
I have not even tried using any of the instruments yet, as most of the planes adjustments or buttons don't work, and those that do require me to pause the sim while any adjustments or programming that might work is performed. Admittedly, I do not have the training to use them, but did quite often in the previous sims. So much stuff is not working, yet, in 2024 that I just fly for the sightseeing right now. Those of you with PPLs and above, and Instrument ratings want that stuff to work, and I don't blame you. I enjoyed using them in FSX/P3D and 2020. Hopefully, as this new sim matures, that will be some of the early fixes.
I'm using a published ILS that I've used before, 110.55 for Runwy 32R at KSDF, many times ln FS2020. So my FS2024 must be messed up.
I can't seem to get the Approach buttons to work. The planes are the Cessna 172 Skyhawk using the liveries G1000 and the Amphibious one which has a combination of Autopilot capabilities.

In the G1000 livery, the ALT and HDG funtions work but pressing the APR button does not turn it on.

In the Amphibious livery, the ALT and HDG functions work and pressing the APR indicates it is on but not activated.

Anyone having success with Approach buttons?
I've been flying ILS approaches in FS2024 aircraft okay, but haven't checked the G1000 yet. I'll try the 172 today on my standard ILS test, KJFK into KBOS Rwy 33L
The Garmin 430/530 - if you want to set the ILS frequency you need to Right mouse click the Com/Nav button, bottom LHS of the unit. In FS2020 it was a left click.
AP functionality across FS2024 is currently a mixed bag of success.
In some of the default aircraft if you need to PUSH a knob, left click and hold then right click as well.
I can't seem to get the Approach buttons to work. The planes are the Cessna 172 Skyhawk using the liveries G1000 and the Amphibious one which has a combination of Autopilot capabilities.

In the G1000 livery, the ALT and HDG funtions work but pressing the APR button does not turn it on.

In the Amphibious livery, the ALT and HDG functions work and pressing the APR indicates it is on but not activated.

Anyone having success with Approach buttons?
I just flew the Cargo version into KBOS Rwy 33L on an ILS approach using APPR & it worked, quite a clean landing.
Couldn't get NAV to take during the flight & I tink I mucked up the flight plan trying to switch from VFR to ILS 33L in the Ipad.
As NAV wouldn't take, I flew an HDG into the LittleNavMap ILS approach feathers for 33L.
CDI was on LOC1 & picked up the 110.70 frequency well before the feathers
The LHS screen, at the top, it read LOC, AP, ALT, 1,800', GS when I reached the feathers & pressed APR. Closer in to the Rwy, it went to:
LOC, AP, GS & the 172 was descending at 500 to 550 fpm at 80 kts

I have found with Rwy 33L at KBOS, you need to be at not much more than 1,800' ASL or you can overshoot the glide path.

The G1000 appears to have some quirks & I want to look at it again & in particular, get the flight plan correctly set up.

In FS2020 , during the Scenario Set up, you could switch from VFR to IFR & choose an ILS approach before you loaded the flight plan, but I haven't been able to do that in FS2024 yet.
Anyone know how to do that?

Yes you can use the browser-based flight planner, save the flight and then import it into the EFB on the World Map page. If your chosen aircraft also has a built-in EFB, you'll need to send the flightplan to the instruments from there too.
I've found the MSFS2024 browser-based flight planner to be just as good as Simbrief with a few added automated features which save a lot of time and effort.
Yes you can use the browser-based flight planner, save the flight and then import it into the EFB on the World Map page. If your chosen aircraft also has a built-in EFB, you'll need to send the flightplan to the instruments from there too.
I've found the MSFS2024 browser-based flight planner to be just as good as Simbrief with a few added automated features which save a lot of time and effort.
Just figured out the browser based FP, its a lot like the EFB.
I have run another 172 cargo ILS flight & ALT worked, APR worked & NAV worked, the latter only after I used HDG to set the aircraft bang on the Magenta line.
I think the G1000 may be a bit sensitive as regards picking up settings.
the latter only after I used HDG to set the aircraft bang on the Magenta line.

I'm having the same issue with the 737 Max, it could be a common Autopilot problem rather than GPS. I'm very impressed with the browser flight planner - if you click on your destination airport icon on the map, an info panel opens in the left margin with all the details you could wish for, including current METAR and runways in use. Brilliant.
I'm having the same issue with the 737 Max, it could be a common Autopilot problem rather than GPS. I'm very impressed with the browser flight planner - if you click on your destination airport icon on the map, an info panel opens in the left margin with all the details you could wish for, including current METAR and runways in use. Brilliant.
I found that moving the Flight Plan created in the browser based app, into the 172 G1000, a bit messy.
As regards the correct steps. I think I was lucky 1st flight as while in flight, tweaking the destination ILS data, I pushed something that dropped it into the 172's navigation data as the flight plan suddenly appeared on the 172's dashboard map screen , where as up to then it was only showing up on the EFB
I am putzing along on an airliner for the 2024 sim and currently the approach function has gone on the blink, With each sim update some things get fixed and others unfixed. The autopilot functionality using the stock functions has been a moving target on shifting sands. Wait till the next update and see what works and what doesn't.
The localizer capture for my project isn't currently working. I was thinking how well it was working, then it wasn't. Two steps forward and one step back.