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the RATO takeoff feature got also its own VC indicator - a pulsing text message "STARTHILFE EIN". it appears only at the time frame when the boosters are "active" - means TAKEOFF HELP ON and in our case it is just another emitter node / image-text lifetime limited effect.
the RATO loadout items got -1000 Mass. what a boost now! before I wasnt sure if it even works, bot now I can confirm... hell Yes!
ok, such whole solution is not technically right, but it is starting to be a real fun, such Starthilfe feature... ja, ja

the RATO loadout items got -1000 Mass. what a boost now! before I wasnt sure if it even works, bot now I can confirm... hell Yes!
ok, such whole solution is not technically right, but it is starting to be a real fun, such Starthilfe feature... ja, ja