As far as I know,...

~S~ smilo,

That is the answer.


The answer is to go into the file associations and delete .air from adobe. Look and see if Adobe has a setting that will keep it from changing file association automatically. Usually in tools and options but you may have to search for it.
I don't use the latest Adobe upgrade, so I don't have the problem.
Here is a quoted post from Douglas, SOH Senior Admin;

"Think its something to do with this
doesn't change them to pdf, but associates .air files to their programme making them unreadable by flightsim software. Unless adobe changes their extension, you will not be able to run both on the same computer"

So, the solution would seem to be;
If you are a Flight Simmer,
which I think I can safely say,
99.99% of us are,
If you already have,
Uninstall it.

I hope this helps.
now Adobe is probably going to come looking for me.:icon_lol:
please note the quivering lip
Hi Smilo,

Here's the part I dont understand: Why would an association cause an issue here? The association only links the file type to a default action or program to open it (by my non-windows understanding). If your program such as CFS wants to open a file type associated with something else, why should it cause problems? Most of my graphics files are associated with GIMP but when I use MS Paint to open those files, nothing bad happens. It is only when I double click on the file (default action) when GIMP is used.

- Ivan.

~S~ All,

The program is "Adobe.air" and when you look in the aircrafts file you see all of the folders and files, except the .air file appears as a box (almost like a, not a sheet of paper.

If you see that box, go to your control panel and delete the Adobe.air program. You do not need it.

Just Wondering...

How can my post be edited by GreenGhost? (see above):kilroy:


I'm not sure SOH is really back on the rails, do you?

Just out of curiosity, if this GreenGhost person signs in, would thier profile say that thier last activity was editing hubbabubba's post? Or is this just little bits of the old threads coming through??:isadizzy: (Reminds me of the Paralel Universe Theory.:costumes:)