At the risk of causing embarrassment...

Hey guys, don't go out of your way for me on this. Just being mentioned is honor enough and I am sure that all the others listed would feel the same. :)

Hope to be back in action in a couple weeks here after a break in the action to take care of RW business.


Milton... you're just too modest. I see no reason to not go outta my way, your work and contributions to the FS Community speaks volumes. An honorable mention would be the very least I could do.

Take care of what's important, mate... we'll be waitin' for you when you're ready to return. :salute:

Cheers -- BB686:USA-flag:
Like others found, I could not vote and submit the answers if I could not answer one or more of the categories where I had no idea about any of the products in that category. It is bad for all concerned to just guess in those circumstances and it is an oversight - and a fairly obvious one at least to those of us who don't have (or have been given) every software add-on known to man - not to have provided a "none of the above" or "don't know" answer for each category. As you could not submit your votes with any category unanswered I was forced to cancel the poll as a result. Hope this is improved next time.