Attention all offer's

Hi SB,

The OFF P3 campaign generator works indipendant of normal CFS3 type campaigns which means it doesnt use random spawn files.

In a planes xdp file there is a section where you can activate random spawning of the aircraft by answering Y or N if you answer No then the campaign (in a CFS3 situation) will never use this aircraft. If how ever you choose yes for the spawn section then the campaign (and missions for that mater) would use the plane based on the date of service, also found in the xdp file of each aircraft.

I cant remember, but I think if you edit the Gotha xdp file to say spawn yes then I think the current P2 campiagn will pick up on te Gotha and you will see it in Game as a target or friendly aircraft, but not a Squadron assigned airecraft.

For P3 though you deffinately wont see this Gotha in a campaign.

regards Rob.
thanks cap'n.

The first "stealth" bomber, you cant see it in a campaign.
Originally posted by sittingbison
why wont it show up in campaigns? is this hard coded, or can a file be adjusted?

Can't you add this (Gotha) to the tech tree to able to use it or would that mess something up in the campaign because of the assigned squadrons?
I just flew a couple of Gotha bomber missions. All I have to say is, WHAT A FRIKIN BLAST!!!:ernae: