From last evening on FB:
Owen Perkins update. First and foremost those that know him realize he goes by the name Hobbit. So as you can see this is how he's addressed by the staff at Miami Valley. (Although it's spelled wrong on that board). The Dr. came in and said "Hey Hobbit, this is your night nurse!" So with that being said, he's a big hot mess. Had surgery on his leg it's set with rods and pins. His broken arm is wrapped and surgery is soon for that. His left eye is swollen and pretty much hidden in the puffiness. Loads of stitches ...forehead and nose. He said many reconstructive surgeries necessary there. He's in a neck brace and there is concern about his spine which is badly bruised. He was coherent but undoubtedly in a great deal of pain. I knew he was drugged up when he said he loved me and I was like a sister to him. His blood pressure is very low but he's on medication to raise it. I asked if he was up for visitors and he said, "Oh yea, as long as they bring 3 blondes and lots of singles!" I'm going to attempt to see him at least once a week. This road will be long and difficult. He's aware of it, and determined. That's a start!
[h=5]Kim Travis Darner[/h]