B-17G in development by... MicroProse!

The older titles you guys named was the golden era of combat flight a simulation.

Jane's USNF & USMF were the catalysts that lead to the formation of the 257th Wildbunch online flight group. When the Jane's series was the hot thing, the 257th flight group was involved behind the scenes with a few of their titles. One I had minor input on was Jane's F-15, which still holds a place in my top 5 list of best combat flight sims ever. Eventually, several of us in the 257th went on to work under NDA to Hasbro/Micropose on the final official release of Falcon4.0.

The older titles you guys named was the golden era of combat flight a simulation.

Jane's USNF & USMF were the catalysts that lead to the formation of the 257th Wildbunch online flight group. When the Jane's series was the hot thing, the 257th flight group was involved behind the scenes with a few of their titles. One I had minor input on was Jane's F-15, which still holds a place in my top 5 list of best combat flight sims ever. Eventually, several of us in the 257th went on to work under NDA to Hasbro/Micropose on the final official release of Falcon4.0.

I got involved with Team Superhornet, modding F18. I was working on new theatres having worked out the terrain texturing process, but the modding was so complicated it faded away.
We have all the detail today but we don't have the atmosphere...
I got involved with Team Superhornet, modding F18. I was working on new theatres having worked out the terrain texturing process, but the modding was so complicated it faded away.
We have all the detail today but we don't have the atmosphere...
One I had fun with was working creating an add-on to a Falcon 4.0 mod. The Xis Cockpit was an improved version of the default Falcon4.0 cockpit. At the time, I was creating a full-size navigation map for my own use. My goal was to add the TACAN frequencies so that finding a friendly base when damaged was easier. Somewhere along the line, "Xis" asked if he could make it a pull-up feature in his cockpit, which I obviously said yes to. :)
Been meaning to chime in here.

Microprose is the grandfather of B-17 simulation there is no doubt. But at the same time, this is a whole new breed of game designers I am sure. It will be very interesting how the plane will merge into MSFS, but knowing what Flying Iron has put out, I would absolutely be waiting until theirs is out before pulling the trigger!