B-25 Nose up AGAIN.


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Hello again everyone, hope your all well.
Now I've posted on this before and I am still scratching my skull on it. Whenever I try to fly any of the B-25s I cannot get the nose down, even with the stick full forward. It even does it in the official Firepower install, but only on the B-25s. Never used to. No other plane does it. I've calibrated my flight stick and my old one and it even did it on that. Any one else have this issue at all. Any pointers would greatly appreciated.

Cheers Gordy.
Assuming it's okay on 'other AC'?

If so, I'd think it's the CoG that is too far forward. But, it also depends on who built the model, and where the CoG (Center of Gravity) was located for the model.
The CoG can be adjusted in the Aircraft.cfg. Usually, CoG is located 1/4 to 1/3 rearward of the wing root.
Thanks Crossram, I'll try and see what I can do. How would I edit said file? Which line etc. I'm a novice at this but learning :)







Hello Scott, to be honest I really don't think it's the problem here as when I use the joystick after it removes the setting on the trim in the game. It does it on Firepower, stock CFS3 instal, and ETO. Never used to for some reason it just started doing it and this is one of my best planes. It uncannily nose up mate, unnaturally so to me. Something's not right. Bet it something simple too!
Hmm...are those the stock B-25s?

reference_datum_position=19.900000,0.000000,0.0000 00

Won't say for sure, but those entries look a little odd. To me, anyway.
When CFS3 first came out, one of the first statements I made was...wonder what drunk made the 25s??

Yeah, the CoG entries look okay...


But, the reference_datum 19.9, and the empty_weight_CG at negative 17??

I'll look at mine, and get back...
Okay thanks, let me know how it goes. I think this is the stock ones. Yeah maybe the guy was drunk!! Don't know if anyone else has had this problem?
Well, besides being a little nose heavy (no bomb load), it flew straight. Up/down movement okay, so you might have something else going on.

Does it nose up, only with bomb loads, or including no bomb loads? What 'realism' setting do you use?

Yup, sitting in that cockpit, makes ya wanna....puke!:playful:
Hi Crossram, yes I fly with bombs/Rockets etc for any given mission. The nose up is unreal, makes the plane unflyable, it's probably something simple but I've had this problem before. It does it on every install eto stock etc, so it has to be something I've done possibly? Graphics card settings maybe?? Maybe I have too much anti-aliasing or some other setting. I will try setting resetting them all for this particular install. I reckon it's got to be something I've set somewhere. I'll retrace my steps and let you know. Appreciate your help mate. I gather you really don't like that cockpit!! :biggrin-new: Gordy!
Do yo have in warning notices in the top right of the screen? I usually experience the nose doing this when I get the airplane is in an overspeed condition. Nose will not go down until the speed is bled off. I have had it happen with all the B-25s in CFS3
I've always had the nose go up with the stock B-25H
so I press 'Ctrl A' for auto-trim and she slowly
levels out and behaves.
I use hard realism settings also. Gordy

Okay...if I understand all the workings, if using hard realism settings, you 'must' manually set trim. So, just like in the real thing, trim gets set near, or at 0 (neutral), before T.O..
Not gonna write a book on it, but without using 'auto-trim', your forced to adjust trim, before moving an inch. Then...what's that old saying...fly the dang airplane! Seat of your pants stuff, and once upstairs, you adjust the trim for easy yoke. That's regardless of empty, or full load.

Guessing the trim entry, in the airfile, or the CoG stuff, isn't right. So, when you climb in, trim is way off, so you get nose up.
Also remember that manual trim is not a "set it, and forget it" proposition. Changes in speed and altitude have an effect on the trim needed for hands off flying. I have the different trim controls set for the toggle switches at the base of my HOTAS. Very handy to set up a steady climb out, or decent once you find the proper rudder/aileron cross-control combination to keep things going straight.
Yup! It's all a balancing act.

This might help...hit the Z key, and it shows the trim settings. On the B-25s, elevator trim is -100!

Simply adjust the elevator trim, and go for it. Your looking for neutral 'pressure', or forces, on the yoke.
reference_datum_position=19.900000,0.000000,0.0000 00

if it helps to reduce extreme amounts of trimming, I would think the empty weight CG position is the parameter to edit. Try bringing the CG position forward from -17.5 to -16.5 and see what happens. Don't forget to delete the bdp.