B-26 Marauder

Hi Smilo,

Yes, I will eventually build a Marauder. As you already know, I always have too many projects going at the same time. I just finished doing some more tweaking on the B-25C AIR file. Earlier today, I was researching the fuel tank arrangement on the Marauder. Then again, there is this little AIR file thing for Hubbabubba's Jeep....

Funny thing about the B-26 being an immediate follow-on to the B-25C: These two aircraft were radically different designs. The B-26 is sleek, The B-25 is not. Both have similar bomb loads, maximum speeds, and ceilings with the advantage in all three going slightly to the B-25. The B-26 had a much higher installed power but also had all kinds of ways to catch the unwary.

WinZip also just stopped working on my development PC.

- Ivan.
I just tried a reinstall of WinZip. The install failed twice, but WinZip is working again. Still have no idea why.

- Ivan.
I just spent most of my free time yesterday and today trying to tune the engine power on the FW 190A-8. If I get the low altitude power correct, the ceiling is too high. Neither one is correct right now, so I guess the result will be a compromise.

The screenshot is actually of the older model. The cowl opening is too large and the rear antenna attachment should not be on the rudder.

- Ivan.
I am having a problem believing what I just read.
I did not think that "compromise" was part of your vocabulary,
especially when it comes to CFS Aircraft.
I am shocked and amazed by this untimely turn of events...

Hi Smilo,

Everything I have ever built for CFS has been a compromise. The question is just how close I can get within the limits of the system. In this case, it isn't very close. Then again, just about everything about this plane needs some attention, so perhaps when I finish the first pass, things will look better.

- Ivan.
you're a good sport KW.
thanks for letting me push your leg.
but I need to remind you to stay on task.
this is the Marauder Thread. :icon_lol:
how does this sound for a compromise?
one component a week.

okay, I'll compromise.
one component every 2 weeks.
with Christmas and New Years Off.
Hey Smilo,

I take it that this Marauder really IS a good idea? I do plan on building one, but I was just using the cowl as a reasonably complicated component to test an assembly technique.

The FW 190A made it to the front of the list because I believe the visual improvements are done and I found it disappointing that I did not have working version of my favourite fighter. The Fokker Eindecker is also moving around because I finally found a photograph of a E.III "Panel".

As for subject matter, the Marauder will be a B-26B painted up to look like a B-26G from the 320th BG. Tactical number 06. Serial number 334252 or
43-34252. The nose art is a reasonably educated guess. The problem that I ran into was that the commander of the aircraft did not quite remember the actual markings, and unless there is someone out there who remembers, I have no better information.

In any case, it still sits behind the B-25C in the queue.

- Ivan.

This link is a picture of my friend and neighbour.
I built a 1/72 scale Monogram Snap-Tite model of the B-26 for him. This was not the aircraft he normally flew though. This was tac number 9 or 09. I thought it was 09, but pictures on the site show it as simply 9. A painting showed it as 09 though.

- Ivan.
I hope you don't mind my saying,
that is the best reason for putting the Marauder at the top of your list.
Hello Johnny,

Success! I had been to this site before, but it seems that more and more information is gathered over time. Before Col. Boblitt died, he and I discussed what the nose art on his aircraft B-26G S/n 43-34252, Battle Number 06, might have been. There were no photographs linking the nose markings with the tail markings that were conclusive. The original photos we were working with were much better quality than the scans on the 320 BG site and from a couple of them, we came to the conclusion that the nose lettering looked like two blocks of cursive with the "Finis Pendet Origine" emblem in front of it. The white banner MAYBE was there. I was guessing it was "Sandra Lee" and Col. Bobblit did not disagree.

A couple years ago, I exchanged a series of emails with the folks running the site. No one seemed to have the information I was looking for. It seems like more information has been accumulated since then because in a list of aircraft serial numbers with Battle Numbers, the name "Sandra Lee" was listed with BN 06 and S/n 334252.


Note that my Bubbletop P-47D-27 has carried that particular serial number for the last couple years.

Thanks Johnny.
- Ivan.