B-52 panel with VC

Boring tests


I maked again some boring tests with this panel.
At least I have some findings to report :)


I delete those strings from the main panel.cfg section:

gauge53=Boeing747-400!Master Warning Light, 398,380,31,17
gauge54=Boeing777-300!Aileron_Trim_Ind, 163,543,33,16
gauge55=Boeing777-300!Pitch_Trim_Ind, 262,416,15,39

The plane load and I have a panel ... but not really what expected :)


My game resolution is 1280 x 1024 (and I have not problems with the many panels I have )

Also .. if I put again any one of the strings I deleted (renumbered it) I have a crash and error message.

Funny isn't it ?

I will make some other tests as maybe I forget someting I deleted also (the complete VC strings !!) and report again.


Oki doki .. all good for the panel view now (I put again in the panel.cfg the point of view strings) .. and I also understand why I have problems with this panel !

My FS2004 install is completely custom and the defaults planes (exepted the C172 my default aircraft of my default flight) are removed :)

So maybe I have just to borrow those gauges from a other install for make this error dissapear
But it's bizzare as I have in my gauges folder a Boeing747-400.CAB and a Boeing777-300.GAU (the two from anno 2003 .. so originals)

And more ..
In the 747 CAB it's the "Master Warning Light.xml"

LOL .. Reedited
Sorry for confusion but I'm confused myself ... ROFL
The Boeing747-400.CAB is already in the panel (I put all the gauges in the panel folder a usual I make) and also the Boeing777-300.GAU ....
So why I have this error message ? when the 3 last strings from the main panel are there ????
Problem solved !!


Finally .. this prob is gone ..
Why and how .. ?
In fact:
The Boeing747-400.CAB and Boeing777-300.GAU are not the same like the originals.
The date of the files is not the same as the files in my gauges folder !!
Same also for the Extra-300 gauges in the VC section ...
They are one day less as the originals ...
So I put the gauges from my gauges folder in the panel and overwrite .. problems gone !!
This confirm the aeromed202 problems with the default Boeings !! he overwrited the original gauges in his gauges folder.
So aeromed202 .. check also if your Extra 300 is correct and also the Concorde GAU !

So my procedure is a good one:
Always put the gauges of addon's in the panel folder of the addon plane and not in the FS2004 gauges folder !

VC panel


Of course, if you are not seeing a vc model at all, well ...

Milton I can confirm ...

It's nothing to see in the VC panel view .. no gauges .. no image background .. nada :)

2D Panel view (and this a glitch in at left !)


And VC view :)

I have that aircraft, and there is NO VC model included. That's why you're not getting anything in the VC. They can include all the code they want for a VC, but if there's not one in the model you still won't see anything....
That glitch, the black background at the botttom left is easily fixed. With the 2D panel in view, click and drag the panel bit map down and you will see a section of black across the whole screen.
To fix it open the panel.cfg and scroll to the very bottom to

[Default View]

Change 5000 to 6000 and the scenery should fill the whole screen. Other similar values will work as FS recognizes number ranges here. The default max is 6752. You may want to adjust the view pitch after this edit. To do that add the line

VIEW_FORWARD_DIR=1.000, 0.000, 0.000

to the panel.cfg. That first number changes the height of the horizon lookin out the 2D cockpit.

Thank you aeromed202 .. I remember now had reading the same somewhere else in a post.
BTW as you are in close contact with the panel author .. can you ask him why his gauges are dated one day less as the originals I have (and certainly you have .. just check the properties of the files ... )
Maybe a different language version ?? I dunno .. it's strange.

but if there's not one in the model you still won't see anything....

You may have right indeed
I will do that next time he contacts me. I invited him to join this thread too. I am beginning to wonder if his notion of a VC is the same as ours. All his help so far has backed up what his panel was supposed to do as stated in the read-me, that is to create a gaugeless VC within that monitor hole in the 2D panel. The plot thickens...

It's still a great 2d panel whatever else happens with this.
OK I believe I have the last word from the author, a sincere and helpful person. You can transfer a VC (with out panel) view to the small monitor in the 2d panel following the read-me instructions.
I think there was a slight misunderstanding about the meaning of a VC panel. If anyone out there has what is commonly known here as a VC panel (a pannable view with a full B-52 panel) drop a line, otherwise I am calling the case closed.

If anyone wants here is the authors e-mail;

David Henry henry77 [at] msn.com
all right no VC then I for a moment had hoped I was wrong...:kilroy: evidently not... maybe one day CS will eventually release its Buff project and then i'll get a new rig and buy it immediately...:salute:
To be fair I haven't had time to fiddle with the panel edits posted here but without a bit map I don't know if it's worth it.