B314 the Clipper incoming to MSFS

Is Accu-sim even going to be a thing in MSFS? I mean, isn't the point of MSFS that it's modeling or will model those core things that accusim was created to model in FSX/P3D that were not available? So I don't understand how it would be any more accurate than just using the core sim? Is it just marketing? MSFS is still really early in dev, and I imagine that it's only going to add MORE features. So these super complex addons that don't know what the sim is going to be capable of in the future, seem to be stuck between a rock and hard place. Feels like there's new blood on the scene and they're taking full advantage and or the simpler complexity devs are doing the same...and good on them! While the big ships, are much harder to turn, having a status quo to meet. Maybe that's all too generalized...I don't know. Interesting times these are!
I think you are quite right there, Rick.

It has also been really interesting to hear how Asobo/Microsoft continues to work closely with developer companies, such as PMDG and Carenado, to implement new, core-sim items that those dev companies ask for and then they just become elements of the sim.

Don, with regard to seeing a Beech 18 in MSFS, Carenado of course produced the best flight sim example to-date for FSX/P3D. They have said that they are working on bringing every one of their FSX/P3D aircraft over to MSFS, so I have been crossing my fingers that they get to the Beech 18 sooner rather than later.
I think you are quite right there, Rick.

It has also been really interesting to hear how Asobo/Microsoft continues to work closely with developer companies, such as PMDG and Carenado, to implement new, core-sim items that those dev companies ask for and then they just become elements of the sim.

Don, with regard to seeing a Beech 18 in MSFS, Carenado of course produced the best flight sim example to-date for FSX/P3D. They have said that they are working on bringing every one of their FSX/P3D aircraft over to MSFS, so I have been crossing my fingers that they get to the Beech 18 sooner rather than later.

Same here, John. That one they made was a D-18. I'd like to see the later version with the taller cabin and new wing. Much nicer corporate and cargo plane. I have their 18 in FSX and still fly it when I need my dose of Beech 18!! The Aztec is the other one I am waiting on as a sooner-rather-than-later plane. I am glad to see this Clipper, and the Connie looks promising as well. Keep those radials flyin'!!

Don BP;)