Further to above, I have gone through a whole lot of different searchlights I have; I have yet to test all but did test ones called
dr_searchlight_sb and dr_searchlight_sw
Both use an effect <fx_searchlight ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="searchlight_halo" Effect1="searchlight_fireball" effect2="searchlight_reflected_light" effect3="searchlight_shockwave"/>
which I note was in my effect file.
tested in facility tk_flak_battery_1 replacing gc_searchlight_white in 2 different missions
dr_searchlight_sb and gc_searchlight_white showed hardly visible light BUT illuminated the aircraft, mainly the top side, but somewhat on the correct underside.
dr_searchlight_sw showed full lights which moved; quite erratically at first, but then somewhat tracked the aircraft BUT no illumination of the aircraft.
I have yet to test a "g_searchlight" which uses an effect called
<fx_ambientlight ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="Light_l"/>
<Light_l ClassName="Lighting" LightType="Point" Lifetime="9000" InitialDelay="0" FadeInTime="0" FadeOutTime="3" StrobeInterval="0.01" StrobeRitm="1" PosX="0" PosY="2.1" PosZ="0" RotY="0" RotX="0.0" Diffuse0="0 0 0" Diffuse1="231 228 254" Specular0="0 0 0" Specular1="231 228 254" Ambient0="0 0 0" Ambient1="151 143 254" Range="12" FallOff="3" Attenuation0="1" Attenuation1=".01" Attenuation2="0" Theta="10" Phi="30"/>
dr_searchlight_sb and dr_searchlight_sw
Both use an effect <fx_searchlight ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="searchlight_halo" Effect1="searchlight_fireball" effect2="searchlight_reflected_light" effect3="searchlight_shockwave"/>
which I note was in my effect file.
tested in facility tk_flak_battery_1 replacing gc_searchlight_white in 2 different missions
dr_searchlight_sb and gc_searchlight_white showed hardly visible light BUT illuminated the aircraft, mainly the top side, but somewhat on the correct underside.
dr_searchlight_sw showed full lights which moved; quite erratically at first, but then somewhat tracked the aircraft BUT no illumination of the aircraft.
I have yet to test a "g_searchlight" which uses an effect called
<fx_ambientlight ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="Light_l"/>
<Light_l ClassName="Lighting" LightType="Point" Lifetime="9000" InitialDelay="0" FadeInTime="0" FadeOutTime="3" StrobeInterval="0.01" StrobeRitm="1" PosX="0" PosY="2.1" PosZ="0" RotY="0" RotX="0.0" Diffuse0="0 0 0" Diffuse1="231 228 254" Specular0="0 0 0" Specular1="231 228 254" Ambient0="0 0 0" Ambient1="151 143 254" Range="12" FallOff="3" Attenuation0="1" Attenuation1=".01" Attenuation2="0" Theta="10" Phi="30"/>