backing up FS9 perfectly


I got fed up of starting from scratch too, even backed up stuff still requires much work. I set up a stock FS9 install called FS9 test which is vanilla (no addons) to test new stuff before moving it to my real install (it's not guaranteed as some stuff can conflict which will not show in the test install). That way if it screws up I just have a plain stock FS9 install to replace :d and my main install stays safe.

FS9 is one of the many games/sims that can still work if moved to another hd/d or backed-up. You do lose the registry entries, but there is a tool for fixing that called
FSX/FS9 registry repair tool and can be found here:
On the down side if you use any payware programs that make a reg entry you will lose that, but the program will still work, and for those that don't a reinstall of the product will fix that. Much easier than starting from scratch:kilroy:
My install of fs9 has moved from XP (3x) to Vista (2x)
and finally to Wins7 and still works just like the day i first installed it. This is a very heavy modded install of well over 40gigs, and i would hate to have to do all that modding again.

doesn't have to be paywhere

While looking at regedit I found many freeware as well as paywhare installs that have registery entries. When the time comes I'am not sure what I'll do at this point.
When it comes to freeware that come as an auto exe, i install to a temp folder (i like to see if there are any files that might overwrite another file first) then i just copy/paste into fs9. Then run the uninstaller as i don't like un-needed reg entries clogging up the registry, then run a reg cleaner.
The way i have my system set up is i have a hd/d just for games, then have another hd/d that has a couple partitions on it. One partition is for any computer related programs, the other is for FS editing programs that don't need to be installed into the root folder of FS. Then i have a hd/d just for the OS, this way at least for me keeps everything nice and clean and makes it easy if i ever need to do a reformat of the OS. I also backup the registry just before a reformat (only if using same OS) and once the OS is reinstalled and updated i will add the backup reg so everything is back to normal.

I'm following this tread very closely since I'm be building a new rig soon. Upgrading to Win 7 Ultimate, I'll use two new hard drives (seriously looking at SSDs) so most of my add-ons should be easily transferable from the existing drives, in theory.

Thanks Joe

Thanks for your input,the idea of running self installers to another folder is a good one but I'am finding backing up is as much work as reinstalling from the backup cd's, as I said at this point I'am just not sure how I'am going to go about reinstalling any of my flight sims when the time comes. I'am not as computer literate as you guys and stress out to much about these things ,I have to keep things simple ,the people I have to work on my computer don't understand flight sims ,my backups on the external hd are ok if I lose a plane or something minor ,hopefully Microsoft flight well be out before I need a new computer as well as other new sims, if I could just be happy with the stock sims and not keep adding planes and scenery ,it would be simple.
I may decide to give up flight simming altogether.When a hobby becomes more a stress filled nightmare than a fun relaxing thing then it's time to stop.
Looking at your description I can't help but once again saying find a complete Backup Program that works for you. Your Tech guys might have one they know well and can explain.
Since you have a very large external drive handy that option does make the most sense to me.
The sequence then becomes really simple.

1. Run the program once a month (less if you don't make frequent changes)to ensure you have a recent enough copy of the entire system. The one I suggested for example (but most other ones do a similar trick) compresses the working HD. You can have more than one BU file on your TB external drive. Deleting older ones as needed.

2. If FS or any other programs do get messed up you simply run the restore option. Leave the PC alone for a bit and everything is back to the time and date of the last BU.

No user involvement at all required if it is set up right. That's why you might want to talk to your local tech-ies.
This to me does not sound like any reason at all to give up on a Hobby.

Don't let it stress you out. I stopped worrying about backing things up a few years ago when i set my rig up the way it is now, plus i saved a lot of money by not having to buy cd/dvd's to burn a backup. On my one hd/d that is partitioned is a folder with all my downloads,(free and pay) and if the drive starts to go south on me, i'll pick up another and copy everything over to the new. (knocks on wood as i have only lost 1 drive over the years)
Being that fs9 is not my main sim. (i'm on the darkside...FSX:kilroy:) I just couldn't bring myself to deleting it all. I've spent way to much money and time on fs9 to just delete it. So, it has a nice place on my gaming drive if i ever have the urge to fly in that sim.

If and when you do build a new rig, you can always just add the hd/d from your old rig and everything on it will be accessible, this includes fs9 that will run from that drive with no need to reinstall a thing. And you can copy over to new and have a backup at the same time, that's a plus in my book.

Yes to the SSD, get one for just the OS, then a nice big and fast hd/d for all games/sims. The nice thing about SSD drives is that there is no need to defrag and you should never defrag a SSD drive as it won't last very long.
Your old drives can be hooked up to the new rig and be accessible with out the fear of losing anything. There are a few members here that have this type of setup and luv how fast it is. My next build will be this type of setup. One thing to remember if you are using the older IDE drives, some newer mobo's are only sata, so you would need to buy an add-on card (pci or pci-e 1x) or an external enclosure (USB) that is for IDE drives to hookup to some of these newer mobo's out there.

My backup software

The backup soft ware that my computer tech installed is Micorsoft Robocopy it doesn't make multiple copys .If I change any thing ,like add a new plane or scenery ,I run the software and it backs up the new version only ,and any changes I've made. If I delete something it's gone the next time I run Robo Copy,so I only have one backup copy of my flight sims on the drive.
Only thing is although I knew about the need to back up the application data which it does also, I didn't realize I had to backup the registery also so it doesn't back up that, and thats where the problem lies with any addons that also make registery entries.
I don't know how to have it backup the registery since he did all the work putting in what I wanted backed up. I'd have to call him and have him include the registery in the backup.
That might be the best way to go ,since he can do it remotely with out comming to the house, it's just that I'am having some work done on the house and I'am trying to save as much money as possible for that. But it shouldn't cost that much to give him a call and have that (registery) included in the backup, but what does that do for the rest of the computer? Does it hurt to put the whole registery back ,for a few flight sims? I really hate to mess with the registery at all ,and if I get a new computer it will most likely be Windows 7 and the backup of the registery will be for nothing.
If I make a vanilla install on my new computer then try to uninstall that and replace it with my backup it will just crash cause there are many things that need to be in the registery and when they copy over they will probly crash the program.
As I said this is getting way to much for me, if it wasn't for that damn registery I'd be set.
just an aside

Forgive me for using the d....m word, this is a family forum and I souldn't have used that word, I was just upset about backing up the resistery also , although loooking at regedit the only entries in the registery are from PILOTS (FS Globel 2005) Wings of Power and Mike Stones ,Meyers OTW.
Use a bigger hammer

I am 70 yrs old. I have all the sims (FS98-FSX). I hate Microsoft. They abandoned me a long time ago. But I keep on trucking. I learn as I go. Google is my friend. If I get stressed-I take a walk in fresh air-and when I get back I can swing that 'bigger hammer' with GLEE.

Having a fresh install of FS clears up a lot of problems (some that can't be traced so easy).

I have 2 Hdrives. C: drive is for OS. D: drive is for Sims. Makes things easier. When you have OS and Sim on same C: drive you have all your eggs in one basket.

The OS can be 'repaired' if it gets a corrupt file or even a virus. There is no 'repair' of Sim. It either works or it doesn't work. That is why having it on D: drive makes sense. If you have the CD/DVD's discs, you can reformat D: and do fresh install of Sim. Why fight it (ie: regedit). That's not required or wise.

(Sim=FS98, FS9 and FSX-I have all 3 in same D: drive right under D: (D:\FS98, D:\FS9, D:\FSX). So it might take years, but the object is to SIMPLYFY things. Not complicate them. Worry about registry is waste of energy. Leave it alone. Run all 'self maulers' (ie: exe's) to a temp folder and copy/paste over and then run the 'uninstall' from whichever: 'Start\Programs..' or from Control Panel's 'Add & Remove Programs' to remove any registry entry. Having a few entries in registry will not harm your OS or Sim. Upkeep (ie: extract to Temp folder then run un-install) is the way to 'housekeep' registry.

I just lost a D: drive (320 Gb) in March and replaced it with a 40 Gb I had laying around (until I get a new rig). Installed it all back to what it was in a couple of days. I had files backed up to a 500 Gb WD 'My Book' (COPY OF FILES, not 'image' of drive!!!). I retrieved (drag over from right window pane to Sim folder) all files I 'needed'. Not all. Life is good. Sim is good (FS9=40 fps and FSX=24 fps). What else is there to do that gives you as much pleasure as the Sims? Freecell? Ha. Good luck on new set up. THINK (hehe).
Chuck B
still not sure what path to take

I see now from the many replys to this thread that there are many ways to do a backup, bottem line is there is no really easy way. I like FS9 for the historic stock aircraft, ok they may not have really good flight models or something else the purist would cringe at, but although I used to be a purist ,I've said to heck with it ,if it flys then I'll fly it. I have ,and am not sure of the exact number, but gotta be over 400 planes ,installed and I did cut down on the scenery in this install, I find I don't really like the steep learning curve of more advanced planes ,would rather use old fashioned pilotage for my main navigation,so do I really need all these planes?
I already know the answer.When the time comes, either from an HD or CPU going belly up or finally this old computer needs updated, FS9 will be there one way or another. My problem is I have so many sims, all combat except for FS9 and I have everything on disk or on my external hd and I'am lousey at combat any way, I just don't know how or what I'll do.
I guess I'll just play it by ear when the time comes and try to stop worrying about it.
I get stressed every time I run a sim cause I wonder whats going to go wrong now?
A hobby is not suposed to stress you out , and I'am also not made of money , I'am retired now and should be enjoying life not stressing over a hobby.
Be so nice to be satisfied with a stock sim and just fly whats there and stop collecting addons.
But darn those Bill Lyons packages are so nice.And I love those old planes.
Hurricaine, here is my process. I learned the hard way when my OS died awhile back, so here goes. Luckily I was able to create a backup of the necessary folders and files before I had to reformat the HD.

Backing up the entire Flight Sim 9 directory has already been discussed. I have both an extra External Drive and a solid state External Drive I use for big backups.

My setup and backup includes another directory with aircraft and scenery I'm not currently flying. I call it my hangar, but it allows me to swap aircraft in and out of the main FS9 directory in order to manage my main HD space which is only 60 Gb. My point here is that if you elect to get an External Drive for backup, spend the money and make sure it has a lot of capacity. BTW - I just did my annual FS9 backup two weeks ago, and it took me nearly an entire day.

The next thing I backup are folders located in the Documents and Settings folder under the root (C:\) drive. Under Application Data\Microsoft is the directory for FS9 that contains the main FS8.cfg file and all my backups. Under My Documents is a folder for Flight Simulator files that contains all the stock and custom flights. For these two folders I just copy them to the backup.

As for the registry entries, that can be tricky. If you can find what you need, they can be exported with Regedit and then reinstalled under your new computer or setup. Or not. You better know what you're doing at this stage, so I think the best option for the unexperienced would be to reinstall the payware aircraft that require the registry entry.

Okay, lets say you have everything backed up as noted and you're ready for a reinstall. The first is to reinstall FS9 and the 9.1 patch. Now you want to fire it up and go for a test drive. If everything works, you can copy your original FS9 files from your backup source.

One lesson I learned is with the FS9.cfg file iteslf. When you run FS9 the first time, it configures itself to your control stick, rudder, monitor and other hardware. Although you can copy your previous FS9.cfg file, it may not work. I've tweaked mine to eliminate messages and improve video quality, so I had to go through step-by-step and just update the modified sections. Of course you can rebuild the settings again through FS9 interface as well.

Hope this helps.


Thankyou for giving me yet another option to use. I will copy your post for when the time comes and decide which way to go. Since I have all my main flight sims backed up on my external 2T hd and all planes and scenery on cd as well as the application data ,I think your way might be the best. Thankyou once again