Be my Beau, Beaufighter that is


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Take a wander over to the CFS3 British Plane section for a set of about ten European Theater early war Beaufighters. These are Dave Garwood's original planes ported over to CFS3 specs. Be sure to thank John Whelan and Rob Stevenson for their expert help. Please excuse (John) my screw up on your name in the download a bit rushed this morning. Be sure to check the sound file paths. Have many other Beaufighters for MAW too, just need some time and feed back before I upload all of those. Again have fun let me know what I need to do to fix the things I missed. Enjoy - Oh many more good things to come soon. Oh no clickable stuff - just not enough time right now.

Ta Ta!:applause:
I thank you for doing these conversions, and while I hate to be critical about anything, I have to complain. I have downloaded the files, but there are no instructions for installing them - especially the Mk.V which has some special shared files.

By the way, what does "TOW" stand for ?

Help, please.
TOW = The Other War which is a nod to Peter Hinchcliffe's very good book " The Other Battle" about the Luftwaffe's 'Nachjagd' or night fighters. As for instructions, all aircraft and the shared folder go into the aircraft folder which means the Mk V stuff will be there.

Sorry about the install guide. I assumed that the folks lurking around here have been at it in CFS3 for a while and no guide was needed. But as Mongoose said, unzip the files the main airplane folder goes into your aircraft folder. The TOW share once unzipped is just dropped into the share folder in the aricraft folder. Just check you sounds not sure how they were set up. Should work straight away in ETO, I think.

thank you for this much needed aircraft guys.

I think I am missing some gauge textures(altimeter is one) and I am getting white square tracers.


Steve, the tracers no idea why. I think they were set up with eto in mind. The texture, not sure but James may be right.
The shared folder in the aircraft\shared folder or just in the aircraft folder?
I dont think that matters though I did try without success.

After more searching , it looks like I am missing texture I made a copy of and renamed to _1a and that seems to work.

I suspect I am missing an fx texture for the tracer problem???
Great stuff Ted :applause:

I know a lot of hard work there, so thank you very much!

Thanks also to the team and great texs John..;)


I fixed the tracer issue for now by changing the cannon in xdp. I must be missing a texture for the other ones. I'm good to go.
Plenty of room for after market parts



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Hi Steve,
Good stuff, like it, but unfortunately you're facing the wrong way! ha ha.

The AI unit was aft of the obs dome, so the rad-obs faced aft. Now if that's artistic licence, so that you can watch the intercept and 'see' it on the scope..then critism just tellin'.


If you're interested in using a dynamic gunsight reticle here's what I'm using:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="GR_OKL_Revi16NF_gunsight" PosX="0.00" PosZ="0.900" PosY="0.600" Pitch="90.25" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>