gray eagle
I have discovered that the dark side of some of the aircraft can be an P3D setting in the graphics section.Oh don't get me wrong Gray Eagle (I don't know your real name, sorry) I have no issues doing your repaints, it's just that I would never fly them. I have started on the white/red scheme but I am having some issues with the textures on the underside as they are showing up as a darker shade in the sim and so are all the others so something may have changed in the model or I messed something in the conversion and never noticed in testing. I need to do some more investigating to see if it's a texture problem or a model problem.
I am also still waiting for info from USN buffs as to whether the grey one was bare metal or painted grey/silver as that will affect how I do the repaint.
For me, I made adjustments as shown and the undersides and sides
of some aircraft became less dark and more visible,
You mileage may vary.