Before I call it quits


After 6 months of rebuilding FS9 and it being finished (at least to my liking) I tried to install one last plane ,the IL76 from Avsim rus After I installed the plane I of course opened the sim to view the plane.I first loaded up the default C-172 and as I usually do went to select plane load up the Il76 and the sim went to black screen and stayed there until I used ctrl+alt+delete to run the task manager to get out of the sim.I went back in and deleted the plane and all the effects and gauges ,restarted FS9 and as soon as I hit any of the options across the top of the screen ( the default c-172 at Seattle) Fs9 goes to black screen and stays there.
I then went to application data and deleted the fs9 config and restarted fs9, same thing ,trying to make any change from the top menu results in black screen.
So before I uninstall fs9 and not go through this again(I mean never reinstalling again,as I just did with CFS3) I thought I'd try the experts here as to what happened.I'am running Windows 7 64 bit,fs9 is installed outside of program files,(it's on another hd from the os ,my os is on c my fs9 install is on d) and although I know this isn't needed because I'am on another drive I'am running it as administrator in xp,sp3 mode with uac disabled.
IL76 from Avsim rus
Obviously .. (based on your recount) this is this aircraft installation who created the problem
It can be that some extras files are going also in the FS2004 root folder ....
Can you give the exact aircraft (link or archive name) as I think it's some reiterations (or different versions) of the IL76 on Avsim rus
Personnaly I use one with no problems at all ...
I'm suffering lots of BSOD's but get a 116 fail code which points to the graphics card kernel power. I'm running a Gigabyte Geforce GT 630 with the latest Nvidia driver, but have ordered a Radeon HD7770 on advice from my IT cognizant son..... Could you be suffering a similar problem?
After 6 months of rebuilding FS9 and it being finished (at least to my liking) I tried to install one last plane ,the IL76 from Avsim rus After I installed the plane I of course opened the sim to view the plane.I first loaded up the default C-172 and as I usually do went to select plane load up the Il76 and the sim went to black screen and stayed there until I used ctrl+alt+delete to run the task manager to get out of the sim.I went back in and deleted the plane and all the effects and gauges ,restarted FS9 and as soon as I hit any of the options across the top of the screen ( the default c-172 at Seattle) Fs9 goes to black screen and stays there.
I then went to application data and deleted the fs9 config and restarted fs9, same thing ,trying to make any change from the top menu results in black screen.
So before I uninstall fs9 and not go through this again(I mean never reinstalling again,as I just did with CFS3) I thought I'd try the experts here as to what happened.I'am running Windows 7 64 bit,fs9 is installed outside of program files,(it's on another hd from the os ,my os is on c my fs9 install is on d) and although I know this isn't needed because I'am on another drive I'am running it as administrator in xp,sp3 mode with uac disabled.

If it is the new IL-76 from Vladimir Zhyulskiy, it should not be the problem. Did you check the installation file for malware?
Here is the link to the one I installed don't think it's a hardware issue as it has been running fine up until the time I installed the IL62.
I have AVG and it automatically checks any downloads for malware, I'll run Malwarebytes and Spybot and see if that turns up anything
This sounds suspiciously like either a video card issue, as Dev One suggested, OR a problem with DirectX. I had an older XP machine that I was running FS9 on and began to experience black screens... which at the time I had no clue what the cause was. Enough black screens finally led to blue screens with an error code.... (finally!), and I was able to diagnose the problem. Funny tho, the DXDIAG.exe indicated no problems with DirectX 9 at the time. The issue was pretty serious and I ended up formatting the HD and re-installing Windows XP. What a mess. :dizzy:

Malwarebyte and Spybot did a whole computer scan and Spybot found 2 threats ,I removed them and now scanning the d drive , FS9 is the only thing on that drive so I'am running AVG scan on just that drive ,so far it's found 3 threats I'll let you know when I remove them if that fixes FS9
AVG found 5 threats on the d drive which has to be FS9 since that's the only thing on it,but if these caused the problem they must have done permanent damage cause it didn't make any difference
Check the modules folder, sounds like a dll fault to me.
Some versions of the widely used gaugesound.dll can cause this, if they've been tweeked.

find a backup copy from one of the major sites and xcheck file size.


Now that you mention it, at one point when the fs9 splash screen came up it had something about an FSS sound dll not being compatable and do you want to run it or not and I clicked no to installing it.I've had these before and I always just did not install the plane that it was for and went ahead and uninstalled it from the modules folder,as I've done in the past.
As for the gaugesound .dll this plane did not require it so it's the same one I've had for sometime now.
Fs 9 was locking up with the black screen BEFORE I got the Fss sound dll error message.I only got the error message after I deleted the Fs9 config. Which kind of makes sense because I recall I did down load a plane a long time ago that gave instruction on not only putting the dll file into modules but making an entry in the Fs9 config file which I did, but I don't remember what plane required it or what the entry was. As I said I've had planes before that wanted the dll file but they never gave instruction on making the change's to the config file, so I always just deleted the file and did not install the plane.
So long story short I don't think the lockup had anything to do with the dll file.But now if I ever get Fs9 running when I come to the plane that needs the file I'll have a problem with that plane.
I forgot, I still had the zip file for the Il76 and ran AVG on just that file and it found nothing wrong with the zip.
could you post a scree.shot of contents of fs9 root folder and your modules folder,
Might help us track things down for you.


If you have the non-compatible sound dll, it sounds like you have the maam dc-3 or some other aircraft that provides it. You just need to add a small line at the end of your fs9 cfg file. Let me know if that's the case and I'll look up the line to add.
I just found I have lost the textures for planes ,scenery, and vc panels.I don't have a photo program so I can't post screen shots.I know it was nothing I did because the last time I ran FS9 was yesterday and it ran perfectly ,today the computer wasn't even on till I got home from the hospital(I had my gallbladder removed today).I'am thinking whatever happened just put me out of the FS9 business.Thanks guys but I think (I know I've said this before) it's a lost cause.
Download link:

All Window systems have a screenshot capability - hit the PrtScn button, then open Paint and hit the paste button. To capture only the active window, use Alt+PrtScn.

I just downloaded the zip, and it's not an installer - so as long as you didn't accidentally delete anything else but the Il-76 files, I can't think of anything that could be causing the issues you're having.
Guys ,I bit the bullet and uninstalled FS9 ,which was a major undertaking as I had to uninstall many ,many different planes and scenery from the programs file because I have found that if I installed the root program(FS9) first many of the addons that put entries in the programs and features in control panel won't uninstall.I am reinstalling FS9 and before I do anything else I'am going to try installing the IL76 and see what happens.
In a way this might be a blessing as I had so many planes and scenery installed I could never decide what to fly or from where to fly.This way I will only put in what I want to fly at the moment.I still want to know what the hell happened so it won't happen again.I'll get back on what happens with the IL76 install.