Before I call it quits

Guys ,I bit the bullet and uninstalled FS9 ,which was a major undertaking as I had to uninstall many ,many different planes and scenery from the programs file because I have found that if I installed the root program(FS9) first many of the addons that put entries in the programs and features in control panel won't uninstall.I am reinstalling FS9 and before I do anything else I'am going to try installing the IL76 and see what happens.
In a way this might be a blessing as I had so many planes and scenery installed I could never decide what to fly or from where to fly.This way I will only put in what I want to fly at the moment.I still want to know what the hell happened so it won't happen again.I'll get back on what happens with the IL76 install.

Maybe it would be a good idea to just do a basic install of FS9, update it and then install the IL-76 before anything else, just to see if the problem appears again. Of course it might have ben an interaction of the IL-76 with another addon, so maybe you should just leave of the IL?

It is a nice plane but I didn't like the paintjobs so I relegated it to my backup drive till repaints appear.

It is the plane.I downloaded the IL76 from the link that you gave me and as soon as I tried to view the plane the sim crashed.Not exactly what happened last time because after I deleted the files the sim works ok this time ,but maybe having so huge an install had something to do with me deleting something I shouldn't, which caused me to lose textures.
I think your idea of minimal parts is a good one. It can be such a fun game when it works but if it gets too much, well the fun evaporates. Basic install, add the MS update patch, a few planes you know work, and a handful of scenery upgrades and addons then go flying :untroubled: Then if you have space or another hard drive, copy and paste the whole game to somewhere, rename it to avoid confusion, and keep it for parts. When you add something that "passes the test", copy what you did over to the spare game. Two weeks ago we had a power loss and I had somehow forgotten to get a battery backup for the computer. The drive with FS got broke and wouldn't read anymore. I was able to switch to the above described "parts" game and was back up in a day so it does work. Best of luck to you.
Might I suggest you split your installations into smaller packages?
I do a base install and then simply copy it into several different folders for different scenarios.
You end up with several FS9 installations numbered sequentially as in FS9/2, FS9/3 etc, with the exception of GW3, but do not rename them, just use different icons for the shortcuts.
This is the way I run my systems .............. it works for me.
Excuse the poor quality of the screen grab but you can get the idea (I hope).

View attachment 6244
Brilliant idea!

Might I suggest you split your installations into smaller packages?
I do a base install and then simply copy it into several different folders for different scenarios.
You end up with several FS9 installations numbered sequentially as in FS9/2, FS9/3 etc, with the exception of GW3, but do not rename them, just use different icons for the shortcuts.
This is the way I run my systems .............. it works for me.
Excuse the poor quality of the screen grab but you can get the idea (I hope).

Do I get it right - the FS9 installation still uses the registry but by just copying everything including the exe you can replace textures and remove/install planes and so create different installs? I assume the basic settings will remain the same for each though (same fs9.cfg)?

Wow, that is a brilliant idea! I have to check if this works for me - sounds almost to good to be true. I am especially bugged by all the planes I want to keep causing endless load times. If I just had GA, warbirds, tubeliners etc. like you do would be a great help!

Talk about not being fun, I did the base install ,like I said and found the IL76 was the badguy so I took it out patched fs9 although it said it already was ver 9.1 then tried to install FSUPIC ,the last version, but it kept saying I had another version of FSUPIC and the sim won't open.So I took out the version of FSUPIC and put in an older version ,the one which I thought I had before and same thing.So bottom line I can't install FSUPIC. I am reaching the limit of my endurance.
I had this same FSUPIC problem before and I solved it by installing an older version but this time I either haven't installed the right older version or something else is going on.So I'am going to try living without FSUPIC and see what happens.
Do I get it right - the FS9 installation still uses the registry but by just copying everything including the exe you can replace textures and remove/install planes and so create different installs? I assume the basic settings will remain the same for each though (same fs9.cfg)?

Wow, that is a brilliant idea! I have to check if this works for me - sounds almost to good to be true. I am especially bugged by all the planes I want to keep causing endless load times. If I just had GA, warbirds, tubeliners etc. like you do would be a great help!


I made the mistake first time round of re-naming all the various FS9.exe files to what scenario they were in, as in FSWW1.exe, FSGA.exe and so on. Wrong!
Bloody chaos.
Now I do as I've outlined and in my case there is only one FS9.cfg and one GW3.cfg.
The base install has my global mesh, weather etc in place, and I keep a complete copy of it on a backup drive.
Some add on installers are a PITA because they demand to go into FS9 only, so they go into the master FS9 copy and with a little tweaking can be transferred on, usually a trawl through the gauges folder and in some cases the texture folder will sort out any weirdness.
Once you get the hang of it the benefits are worth the trouble, aside from grouping aircraft into separate categories, one can use different scenery and airports.
Patience is a virtue at the beginning!!!
Do I get it right - the FS9 installation still uses the registry but by just copying everything including the exe you can replace textures and remove/install planes and so create different installs? I assume the basic settings will remain the same for each though (same fs9.cfg)?

If you rename the individual FS9.exe files to match the different versions they will generate their own FS9.cfg.

If you rename a copy of the FS9.exe in each folder, and leave the FS9.exe along side it, if you want to run an installer and have it point to a specific FS9 setup all you have to do is reset the registry with the Flight1 registry tool.

FS9 itself doesn't read the install location from the registry and will run from anywhere.

I have had multiple FS9.exe files for years without too much trouble.

For example, I had one specific to helicopters so I could have different controller settings in the FS9.cfg for helis.

Instead of having to change the settings every time I wanted to fly a chopper, I simply started the sim with a different shortcut.

The downside is a global change to the FS9.cfg has to be made several times.
