

I've had rudder assignment issues on and off for a while, but things were behaving for quite some time, but the gremlins are back. Some of you had been kind enough to send me copies of your XCA. files which I copied to the letter with mixed results. It seems that even though I've made my edited XCA read only, it magically changes by itself, brake controls reverse, the rudder wants to be the throttle etc. I'm at a loss :banghead:
CH Pro Pedals/Thrustmaster Hotas X . Whats happening is when I try to assign the pedals it keeps coming up as Axis Throttle rather than Axis Rudder, despite what it says in the XCA.
Do you save out the new xca file as a different one? For example, I have CFS3.xca and CFS3_X55.xca in my C:\Users\jacal\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft folder.
Now when I start CFS3 I go to the Options tab (top right), hit control options and then on the left under Configuration I select CFS3_X55
So what you have to do with your new xca is save it separately in your appropriate user file, such as "RudderThrust.xca or something and then after opening CFS3 select that in the Configuration.
Well the stock CFS XCA. can't be edited, so yes I've saved my configuration and by default that is the setup it uses in every install. It seems the rudder and the throttle want to share. Free flight and the rudder works, once you adjust the throttle, the rudder is stuck fully left or right and the plane becomes rather uncontrollable
So you only have one xca. Have you named it something different or just CFS3.xca? I don't understand what you mean by "the stock xca can't be edited. I edit mine with notepad++ and rename it as my 2nd xca in my user folder. How and where are you making and saving your configuration? Maybe you can open with notepad++ and copy it here.
The stock XCA. can be editited with note pad, but you can't make changes to it from the controller assignment interface in CFS. I created a new config called Real2017. If it won't recognize the pedals as a rudder control and only the throttle, it doesn't matter what it's called!
I had sort of assumed you weren't making them in the controller interface but with an editor of the xca file but then deleting the original. Are you also keeping the original and just changing which you usein the controller assignment interface? Could you copy and post your whole xca file? I'll see if the person who helped me can do the same for you.
Here's my XCA Mongoose..............

<Device Type="Keyboard">
<GameMode Name="Player">
<Key ID="F10" Action="ShowUI"/>
<Key ID="F1" Action="ShowHelp"/>
<Key ID="F2" Action="ShowQuickRef"/>
<Key ID="B" Action="BRAKES"/>
<Key ID="Z" Action="Cycle_Info"/>
<Key ID="Pause" Action="Pause"/>
<Key ID="SemiColon" Mod="Control" Action="TakeScreenshot"/>
<Key ID="P" Action="Pause"/>
<Key ID="X" Action="Warp"/>
<Key ID="X" Mod="Control" Action="SetNormalTime"/>
<Key ID="Q" Action="ToggleSound"/>
<Key ID="Q" Mod="Control" Action="Exit"/>
<Key ID="Q" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="ExitImmediately"/>
<Key ID="F3" Action="ToggleCockpit"/>
<Key ID="F4" Action="Switch_View"/>
<Key ID="F4" Mod="Shift" Action="Switch_ViewPrev"/>
<Key ID="F4" Mod="Control" Action="ChaseView"/>
<Key ID="F4" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="TogglePlayerTarget"/>
<Key ID="F5" Action="ToggleHUD"/>
<Key ID="F6" Mod="Shift" Action="FloatView"/>
<Key ID="F9" Action="WeaponView"/>
<Key ID="F9" Mod="Shift" Action="FlybyView"/>
<Key ID="LSquare" Action="ZoomOut"/>
<Key ID="RSquare" Action="ZoomIn"/>
<Key ID="L" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="ToggleLabels"/>
<Key ID="M" Action="ShowBriefing"/>
<Key ID="O" Mod="Control" Action="ToggleSlewMode"/>
<Key ID="E" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="IncreaseCompression"/>
<Key ID="R" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="DecreaseCompression"/>
<Key ID="T" Action="CycleTactical"/>
<Key ID="T" Mod="Shift" Action="ShowTactical"/>
<Key ID="T" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="CycleTacticalRange"/>
<Key ID="I" Action="ShowTargetCone"/>
<Key ID="I" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="ToggleBrackets"/>
<Key ID="Tilde" Mod="Shift" Action="DropTarget"/>
<Key ID="Tilde" Mod="Control" Action="TargetLastShooter"/>
<Key ID="Tilde" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="ToggleConsole"/>
<Key ID="Tab" Action="NextTarget"/>
<Key ID="Tab" Mod="Shift" Action="PrevTarget"/>
<Key ID="Tab" Mod="Control" Action="NextFriend"/>
<Key ID="Tab" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="PrevFriend"/>
<Key ID="1" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="CycleHudGauge1"/>
<Key ID="2" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="CycleHudGauge2"/>
<Key ID="3" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="CycleHudGauge3"/>
<Key ID="4" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="CycleHudGauge4"/>
<Key ID="5" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="CycleHudGauge5"/>
<Key ID="Slash" Mod="Shift" Action="ToggleLabelRank"/>
<Key ID="Slash" Mod="Control" Action="ToggleLabelType"/>
<Key ID="Slash" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="ToggleLabelKills"/>
<Key ID="Space" Action="Fire_Guns"/>
<Key ID="Space" Mod="Shift" Action="FireGunsOnly"/>
<Key ID="Space" Mod="Control" Action="FireCannonsOnly"/>
<Key ID="Back" Action="SelectNextWeapon"/>
<Key ID="S" Mod="Shift" Action="SelectNextPayload"/>
<Key ID="Enter" Action="ReleaseFireWeapon"/>
<Key ID="J" Mod="Control" Action="JettisonSelectedWeapon"/>
<Key ID="J" Mod="Shift" Action="RefillSelectedWeapon"/>
<Key ID="B" Mod="Shift" Action="Toggle_BombBay"/>
<Key ID="D" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="DropFuelTanks"/>
<Key ID="W" Mod="Shift" Action="SelectNextWP"/>
<Key ID="W" Mod="Control" Action="SelectPrevWP"/>
<Key ID="Enter" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadUp"/>
<Key ID="Back" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadDown"/>
<Key ID="Enter" Mod="Control" Action="HeadBackward"/>
<Key ID="Back" Mod="Control" Action="HeadForward"/>
<Key ID="Enter" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="HeadRight"/>
<Key ID="Back" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="HeadLeft"/>
<Key ID="End" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadPitchDownLeft"/>
<Key ID="Home" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadPitchUpLeft"/>
<Key ID="Prior" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadPitchUpRight"/>
<Key ID="Next" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadPitchDownRight"/>
<Key ID="Up" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadPitchUp"/>
<Key ID="Down" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadPitchDown"/>
<Key ID="Left" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadRotLeft"/>
<Key ID="Right" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadRotRight"/>
<Key ID="ScrollLock" Action="Toggle_FixedViews"/>
<Key ID="Space" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="HeadReset"/>
<Key ID="D" Mod="Shift" Action="ToggleTextDisplay"/>
<Key ID="A" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="AUTO_PILOT_BASIC"/>
<Key ID="F" Action="FLAPS_INCR"/>
<Key ID="V" Action="FLAPS_DECR"/>
<Key ID="G" Action="GEAR_TOGGLE"/>
<Key ID="F" Mod="Shift" Action="FLAPS_DOWN"/>
<Key ID="V" Mod="Shift" Action="FLAPS_UP"/>
<Key ID="B" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="PARKING_BRAKES"/>
<Key ID="C" Mod="Shift" Action="TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT"/>
<Key ID="D" Action="SPOILERS_TOGGLE"/>
<Key ID="E" Action="ENGINE_AUTO_START"/>
<Key ID="E" Mod="Shift" Action="INC_COWL_FLAPS"/>
<Key ID="E" Mod="Control" Action="DEC_COWL_FLAPS"/>
<Key ID="G" Mod="Shift" Action="GEAR_PUMP"/>
<Key ID="H" Mod="Shift" Action="TOGGLE_TAIL_HOOK_HANDLE"/>
<Key ID="L" Mod="Shift" Action="TOGGLE_TAILWHEEL_LOCK"/>
<Key ID="O" Action="BAIL_OUT"/>
<Key ID="S" Mod="Control" Action="TOGGLE_ALL_STARTERS"/>
<Key ID="S" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="ShowScores"/>
<Key ID="W" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="TOGGLE_WING_FOLD"/>
<Key ID="Minus" Mod="Shift" Action="PROP_PITCH_DECR"/>
<Key ID="Minus" Mod="Control" Action="MIXTURE_DECR"/>
<Key ID="Plus" Mod="Shift" Action="PROP_PITCH_INCR"/>
<Key ID="Plus" Mod="Control" Action="MIXTURE_INCR"/>
<Key ID="F7" Mod="Control" Action="PROP_PITCH_LO"/>
<Key ID="F6" Mod="Control" Action="PROP_PITCH_HI"/>
<Key ID="F6" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="MIXTURE_LEAN"/>
<Key ID="F7" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="MIXTURE_RICH"/>
<Key ID="Minus" Action="THROTTLE_DECR"/>
<Key ID="Plus" Action="THROTTLE_INCR"/>
<Key ID="Comma" Action="BRAKES_LEFT"/>
<Key ID="Period" Action="BRAKES_RIGHT"/>
<Key ID="1" Mod="Shift" Action="ENGINE1_CONTROL_SELECT"/>
<Key ID="2" Mod="Shift" Action="ENGINE2_CONTROL_SELECT"/>
<Key ID="3" Mod="Shift" Action="ENGINE3_CONTROL_SELECT"/>
<Key ID="4" Mod="Shift" Action="ENGINE4_CONTROL_SELECT"/>
<Key ID="5" Mod="Shift" Action="ENGINE_CONTROL_SELECT_ALL"/>
<Key ID="1" Mod="Control" Action="ENGINE1_CONTROL_DESELECT"/>
<Key ID="2" Mod="Control" Action="ENGINE2_CONTROL_DESELECT"/>
<Key ID="3" Mod="Control" Action="ENGINE3_CONTROL_DESELECT"/>
<Key ID="4" Mod="Control" Action="ENGINE4_CONTROL_DESELECT"/>
<Key ID="1" Action="THROTTLE_10"/>
<Key ID="2" Action="THROTTLE_20"/>
<Key ID="3" Action="THROTTLE_30"/>
<Key ID="4" Action="THROTTLE_40"/>
<Key ID="5" Action="THROTTLE_50"/>
<Key ID="6" Action="THROTTLE_60"/>
<Key ID="7" Action="THROTTLE_70"/>
<Key ID="8" Action="THROTTLE_80"/>
<Key ID="9" Action="THROTTLE_90"/>
<Key ID="0" Action="THROTTLE_FULL"/>
<Key ID="End" Action="ELEV_TRIM_UP"/>
<Key ID="Down" Action="ELEV_UP"/>
<Key ID="Next" Mod="Control" Action="RUDDER_TRIM_RIGHT"/>
<Key ID="Left" Action="AILERONS_LEFT"/>
<Key ID="Left" Mod="Control" Action="AILERON_TRIM_LEFT"/>
<Key ID="NumPad5" Action="CENTER_AILER_RUDDER"/>
<Key ID="Right" Action="AILERONS_RIGHT"/>
<Key ID="Right" Mod="Control" Action="AILERON_TRIM_RIGHT"/>
<Key ID="Home" Action="ELEV_TRIM_DN"/>
<Key ID="Up" Action="ELEV_DOWN"/>
<Key ID="Insert" Mod="Control" Action="RUDDER_TRIM_LEFT"/>
<Key ID="M" Mod="Control" Action="MAGNETO_INCR"/>
<Key ID="M" Mod="Shift" Action="MAGNETO_DECR"/>
<Key ID="A" Action="WINGMEN_ATTACK"/>
<Key ID="R" Mod="Control" Action="WINGMEN_TASK_MNGR"/>
<Key ID="H" Action="WINGMEN_HELP"/>
<Key ID="R" Action="WINGMEN_REJOIN"/>
<Key ID="S" Action="WINGMEN_SPLIT"/>
<Key ID="A" Mod="Shift" Action="WINGMEN_ReplyAffirmative"/>
<Key ID="N" Mod="Shift" Action="WINGMEN_ReplyNegative"/>
<Key ID="C" Action="DoChat"/>
<Key ID="N" Action="ShowChecklist"/>
<Key ID="T" Mod="Control" Action="ChatTarget"/>
<Key ID="H" Mod="Control" Action="HostSettings"/>
<Key ID="U" Action="UseMetric"/>
<Key ID="F5" Mod="Control" Action="UseMetric"/>
<Key ID="K" Mod="Control+Shift" Action="Suicide"/>
<Key ID="I" Mod="Control" Action="ShowTooltips"/>
<Key ID="Tilde" Action="TogglePadlock"/>
<Key ID="F6" Action="GotoPilotSeat"/>
<Key ID="F7" Action="GotoBombadierSeat"/>
<Key ID="F8" Action="CycleGunnerSeat"/>
<Key ID="F8" Mod="Shift" Action="CycleGunnerSeatPrev"/>
<GameMode Name="M3DViewer">
<Key ID="Up" Action="HeadPitchUp"/>
<Key ID="Down" Action="HeadPitchDown"/>
<Key ID="Left" Action="HeadRotLeft"/>
<Key ID="Right" Action="HeadRotRight"/>
<Key ID="Up" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadPitchUp"/>
<Key ID="Down" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadPitchDown"/>
<Key ID="Left" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadRotLeft"/>
<Key ID="Right" Mod="Shift" Action="HeadRotRight"/>
<Key ID="Up" Mod="Control" Action="HeadPitchUp"/>
<Key ID="Down" Mod="Control" Action="HeadPitchDown"/>
<Key ID="Left" Mod="Control" Action="HeadRotLeft"/>
<Key ID="Right" Mod="Control" Action="HeadRotRight"/>
<Key ID="Space" Action="HeadReset"/>
<Key ID="O" Action="HeadReset"/>
<Device Type="T.Flight Hotas X">
<GameMode Name="Player">
<Axis ID="X" Action="Set_Bank" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>
<Axis ID="Y" Action="Set_Pitch" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>
<Axis ID="Throttle" Action="AXIS_THROTTLE_SET" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>
<Button ID="1" Action="Fire_Guns"/>
<Button ID="2" Action="FireCannonsOnly"/>
<Button ID="3" Action="ToggleCockpit"/>
<Button ID="4" Action="ToggleHUD"/>
<Button ID="5" Action="FLAPS_INCR"/>
<Button ID="6" Action="FLAPS_DECR"/>
<Button ID="7" Action="GEAR_TOGGLE"/>
<Pov ID="1" Action="HeadPov"/>
<Button ID="8" Action="TOGGLE_TAILWHEEL_LOCK"/>
<Button ID="9" Action="SelectNextWeapon"/>
<Button ID="10" Action="Toggle_BombBay"/>
<GameMode Name="M3DViewer">
<Pov ID="1" Action="HeadPov"/>
<Button ID="3" Action="ZoomIn" RepCnt="1"/>
<Button ID="4" Action="ZoomOut" RepCnt="1"/>
<GameMode Name="Gunner">
<Axis ID="X" Action="TraverseGun" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>
<Axis ID="Y" Action="ElevateGun" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>
<Device Type="CH PRO PEDALS USB">
<GameMode Name="Player">
<Axis ID="X" Action="AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>
<Axis ID="Y" Action="AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>
<Axis ID="Rudder" Action="Set_Yaw" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>
I don't have prpedals so I asked my son. This is his reply in part.

I tried CFS3 with my CH ProPedals and had no issue setting the pedals' yaw axis to the yaw axis in CFS3. The only confusion is that CFS3 IDs the pedals' yaw axis as "Throttle" but that's just what it calls it. The action in game for the pedal's yaw ("Throttle") axis is bound to "Set_Yaw". It all works for me.

<Device Type="CH PRO PEDALS USB">
<GameMode Name="Player">
<Axis ID="X" Action="AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET" Scale="65472" Nullzone="36"/>
<Axis ID="Y" Action="AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET" Scale="65472" Nullzone="36"/>
<Axis ID="Throttle" Action="Set_Yaw"/>
Your Real2017 I assume, is :-
In the user folder
One of 2 xca's there
You can see and access it in the game through the Control configuration

If all that's correct then I'm also at a loss.
App Data Folder, yes on 3 installs. Now there is also a throttle axis entry for the Thrustmaster X Hotas stick, which of course is for the throttle. How that can't be a conflict is a mystery to me. I my mind, that line in the XCA. should be Rudder not Throttle......but that's gotten me no where also!
I'm thinking I should just edit the CFS3 XCA and start from scratch, but I'll wait to see what your son says Mongoose. I really appreciate your help!