Hi Dave, back again.. ;-)
I struggled a day or two ( or three..) to get my Tobii eye tracker working or rather get it to calibrate i.e. follow my eyes movement correctly. When i first loaded MSFS2024 with the Tobii active ( red lights left/right and in the middle on the bar) i was looking at the back of the head of my avatar. Didn't mind because i was very happy it seemed to work quite perfectly, i could easily look around with a big field of view. Amazing really !
Normally, when i see my avatar, Shift/C gets me back in the cockpit, not this time however. I found i needed the W,A, S, D key combo to slide into the cockpit. Make long story short, when i tried the hat switch on my stick to see if it would still work, it sure did but the Tobii stopped working immidiately (red lights on the bar now glow dim...)
As you say "
You can turn off/on the eye/head tracking as desired " i can imagine me touching the hat switch turned the Tobii off ??...
What i found in the net about Tobii On/Off is : "Go to Settings > Accessibility > Eye Tracking, then turn on Eye Tracking". However i don't seem to have "Eye Tracking" under Settings/Accesibility.... My Tobii is there alright in the Controls/Devices List but that's all..
Can you please tell me how or where to set my Tobii On/Off, Dave ?
Nearly there, i saw it working a brief moment, very impressive already !
Thanks in advance !