Best eye or head tracking for msgs 2024 (and maybe DCS as well)

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Back in the dim days of FS9 or FSX I had Track IR. (still have the hardware). I am aware there are as many opinions as (um individuals) but want some honest user reports from MSFS 2024 and maybe DCS as I have downloaded that if not used it yet.
I still use TrackIR 4! Works flawlessly in DCS. I don't have MSFS24.
You can turn off/on the eye/head tracking as desired. I've set up the keyboard "End" key to do that. Then you can just use your hat switch to pan around as necessary.
Hi Dave, back again.. ;-)

I struggled a day or two ( or three..) to get my Tobii eye tracker working or rather get it to calibrate i.e. follow my eyes movement correctly. When i first loaded MSFS2024 with the Tobii active ( red lights left/right and in the middle on the bar) i was looking at the back of the head of my avatar. Didn't mind because i was very happy it seemed to work quite perfectly, i could easily look around with a big field of view. Amazing really !

Normally, when i see my avatar, Shift/C gets me back in the cockpit, not this time however. I found i needed the W,A, S, D key combo to slide into the cockpit. Make long story short, when i tried the hat switch on my stick to see if it would still work, it sure did but the Tobii stopped working immidiately (red lights on the bar now glow dim...)

As you say " You can turn off/on the eye/head tracking as desired " i can imagine me touching the hat switch turned the Tobii off ??...

What i found in the net about Tobii On/Off is : "Go to Settings > Accessibility > Eye Tracking, then turn on Eye Tracking". However i don't seem to have "Eye Tracking" under Settings/Accesibility.... My Tobii is there alright in the Controls/Devices List but that's all..

Can you please tell me how or where to set my Tobii On/Off, Dave ?

Nearly there, i saw it working a brief moment, very impressive already ! :cool:

Thanks in advance ! (y)
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Hi Dave, back again.. ;-)

I struggled a day or two ( or three..) to get my Tobii eye tracker working or rather get it to calibrate i.e. follow my eyes movement correctly. When i first loaded MSFS2024 with the Tobii active ( red lights left/right and in the middle on the bar) i was looking at the back of the head of my avatar. Didn't mind because i was very happy it seemed to work quite perfectly, i could easily look around with a big field of view. Amazing really !

Normally, when i see my avatar, Shift/C gets me back in the cockpit, not this time however. I found i needed the W,A, S, D key combo to slide into the cockpit. Make long story short, when i tried the hat switch on my stick to see if it would still work, it sure did but the Tobii stopped working immidiately (red lights on the bar now glow dim...)

As you say " You can turn off/on the eye/head tracking as desired " i can imagine me touching the hat switch turned the Tobii off ??...

What i found in the net about Tobii On/Off is : "Go to Settings > Accessibility > Eye Tracking, then turn on Eye Tracking". However i don't seem to have "Eye Tracking" under Settings/Accesibility.... My Tobii is there alright in the Controls/Devices List but that's all..

Can you please tell me how or where to set my Tobii On/Off, Dave ?

Nearly there, i saw it working a brief moment, very impressive already ! :cool:

Thanks in advance ! (y)
Hey, I'm on the road right now, and will get back home late Thursday afternoon. I'll take a look sometime on Friday.
If I haven't responded by Friday afternoon, send me a PM, as I might have spaced it...
No prob, Dave. I do know a little bit more now. It's working more or less and i also found On/Off but atm i can say it's working but not that much.. Found a tip to search for 'track' in the Control/Keyboard section and that brings up a little menu with which i can bind keys for On/Off, Reset and Back Home. Already keys in there which didn't work. Used End, Home and Insert but it looks like they don't work neither (that much...)

Anyway, lots of testing to do, lots of getting used to too (first time working with such a headtracking gadget, actually i never liked it, tried it at a friend but that's years ago), so take your time, Dave. I'm happy already that it sort of works but some hints/tips for tweaking the thing would very much appreciated of course.

Thank you !
No prob, Dave. I do know a little bit more now. It's working more or less and i also found On/Off but atm i can say it's working but not that much.. Found a tip to search for 'track' in the Control/Keyboard section and that brings up a little menu with which i can bind keys for On/Off, Reset and Back Home. Already keys in there which didn't work. Used End, Home and Insert but it looks like they don't work neither (that much...)

Anyway, lots of testing to do, lots of getting used to too (first time working with such a headtracking gadget, actually i never liked it, tried it at a friend but that's years ago), so take your time, Dave. I'm happy already that it sort of works but some hints/tips for tweaking the thing would very much appreciated of course.

Thank you !
I have a similar problem. When starting with the Tobii on the view point is shifted back so this why you see the back of the avatar's head. Once you are in the cockpit you are still back. Using the Shift + WASD you can bring the viewpoint to a good position and proceed.
I have a similar problem. When starting with the Tobii on the view point is shifted back so this why you see the back of the avatar's head.

Ok! Makes sense. Thanks ! ;-)

Once you are in the cockpit you are still back. Using the Shift + WASD you can bring the viewpoint to a good position and proceed.

Shift + WASD.... i think that's new to me. WASD (without Shift) only works in Avatar mode, does it not ?...

Thanks, Dimus ! Going to try that right away ! :encouragement:
My flights usually start sitting on the runway, ready to fly. I have //42 Flo and it does something and then I am in a takeoff position at the runway departure end. I then hit F12 2x and it puts me in a near perfect head position in front of the cockpit panel. If I don't like that position I can engage my mouse wheel to move forward and aft. I can also use my head to move forward and aft particularly for close inspection of the panel instruments. Anyway, try using F12 2x for initial head positioning.
Hi Dave, back again.. ;-)

I struggled a day or two ( or three..) to get my Tobii eye tracker working or rather get it to calibrate i.e. follow my eyes movement correctly. When i first loaded MSFS2024 with the Tobii active ( red lights left/right and in the middle on the bar) i was looking at the back of the head of my avatar. Didn't mind because i was very happy it seemed to work quite perfectly, i could easily look around with a big field of view. Amazing really !

Normally, when i see my avatar, Shift/C gets me back in the cockpit, not this time however. I found i needed the W,A, S, D key combo to slide into the cockpit. Make long story short, when i tried the hat switch on my stick to see if it would still work, it sure did but the Tobii stopped working immidiately (red lights on the bar now glow dim...)

As you say " You can turn off/on the eye/head tracking as desired " i can imagine me touching the hat switch turned the Tobii off ??...

What i found in the net about Tobii On/Off is : "Go to Settings > Accessibility > Eye Tracking, then turn on Eye Tracking". However i don't seem to have "Eye Tracking" under Settings/Accesibility.... My Tobii is there alright in the Controls/Devices List but that's all..

Can you please tell me how or where to set my Tobii On/Off, Dave ?

Nearly there, i saw it working a brief moment, very impressive already ! :cool:

Thanks in advance ! (y)
Also sent this to you via a PM...

Hey, It seems that maybe you have things figured out now, or are you still having problems? When I mentioned that you can turn head tracking on and off, I guess I should have been clearer. What I mean is you can enable or disable the Tobii from tracking your head movement. I use the "End" key on the keyboard to do that. Also, I set up the "Home" key to set my head position in the cockpit after loading an airplane. The "End" key is mapped to the keyboard "Toggle Head Tracking" command, and the "Home" key is mapped to the "Eye Tracking Reset" command. I hit the "Home" key twice after loading an airplane and it will move from the rear portion of the cockpit to the proper eye position.
Hope this helps...
Hi Dave,

Thanks very much for your comments ! Yes, very, very slowly but more or less steadily i'm getting on the good side of the Tobii. Must say i got a good result setting up my HP Reverb G2 much quicker. Biggest problem proved to be the calibration. Always one dot i couldn't get to blow up. Leave it for a while and trying again one of the next days finally worked. Phewww! Happy with that ! ;-)

Yes, I got the On/Off working too exactly with your choice of keys but here again i have to very much get used to it all. It's always kind of a head movement i need to make for the Tobii to pick up my eyes so it seems. When it works it works very well indeed ! But i need to use it a lot to really get the hang of it. Haven't tried it yet but i think i should try Tobii with MSFS2020 as well. Atleast all aircraft work alright which is far from the case in MSFS2024. Also something not really helping getting the hang of a new peripheral.

So, yeah, i'm a lot further on the road to getting familiar with the Tobii, Dave !

Thank you very much again for helping me getting there ! (y) :cool: