Best fictional add-ons for FS9

Wow Tom, I had all but forgotten about the "Merlin", loved that airplane. . . .thanks for the post. . .off to reacquaint myself with that jewel. woohoo, lol :salute:
The inimitable Itosan did a whole batch of Luftwaffe '46 models which, I guess, fall under the heading of "fictional add-ons". The usual proviso applies as with any of his work; the visuals are great, but the FDE needs work (I usually just swap them out for something appropriate). My particular favourite is his Arado E555 bomber, a six engined flying wing. Just search over at Flightsim and have fun downloading.

I also seem to recall downloading a "Me 329" from Simviation some time back; not an Itosan production, but I can't remember the author.

On the sci-fi front, way back in FS2002 I had a half decent Millenium Falcon; does anybody else remember this, and did it ever get any form of FS2004 update. And I seem to recall a whole batch of Starfleet stuff (the USS Enterprise, in various versions, shuttles etc) which didn't really fit within FS2004 with the altitude limitations - guess they might be more usable within FSX, wasn't the limitation removed?

Anybody who is interested in the sci-fi stuff should also check out Orbiter, there are some very nice addons in that dedicated space simulator - my particular favourite in that sim had to be Firefly.
Anybody who is interested in the sci-fi stuff should also check out Orbiter, there are some very nice addons in that dedicated space simulator - my particular favourite in that sim had to be Firefly.

Do a search in the fs 2002 section at Flightsim and you will find a really nicely done K64-03 Firefly Class transport named Serenity there

FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft
FS2002 Pro Serenity Developers Pack
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Name: Size: 12,634,913 Date: 12-11-2006 Downloads: 581
FS2002 Pro Serenity Developers Pack. This contains the following: two rough aircraft files, no sound or panel, the FSDS v2.24 source file and the full textures in their raw BMP format; the textures in the aircraft are in DXT format. It is fully animated and lit with the beginnings of a virtual cockpit. Please open the read me file in the zip for further info. By Ian Lawrence.
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I have it and it needs some work from Rob in the way of a nice VTOL gauge and then a good panel. The source file is there but I never got around to playing with it.


I also did a space based model, set in the Firefly/Serenity Universe. Sort of a light attack gunboat... (Unreleased since it needs the same stuff that the Firefly needs)


And in FSX....

Ooh nice, thanks for the heads up on that Brian. I'll have to download that when I get home; and maybe it's time to fire up FSDS and get myself up that ol' learning curve.
Admire and enjoy Eugene Heyart's work in FSX. Albatross's performance and versatility is impressive. He also has a DH Otter that's very good.

This thread reminds me of the time I spent last week in creating a VTOL implementation for a new Thunderbird-2 model someone is making ... Sssttt...:wiggle:
Personally, my favorite (International Rescue) SF aircraft .
But I'm going into "memory lane" now :icon_lol:

Rob B.

PS: by the way, that "BSS Heracles" seems a challenge as well ....
Ito-San has also done a rather splendid Interceptor from Gerry Andersons UFO

I think this Enterprise NCC-1701D is Bruce Fitzgerald's?

There are at least two Thunderbird 1s out there...


Kind regards

I tend to stay away from all things fictional, but after seeing this thread, decided to install Fitzgerald's Enterprise. It is a straight-forward install, but there are some bugs I cannot figure.

First, how do you get that blue plasma streak? There is no fx included for that.
Second, there are no lights on the model and the cfg does not have a [lights] section. So, is there an update for the cfg?
Third, when "parked" on the ground, she constantly trembles and drifts. Is there a fix for that?

Any help is welcome!

- h52
By the way, talking about fictional aircraft, a tip:

My favorite now (But I'm biassed ..LoL) is the Moller Skycar M400, that Stephen Vernava and I designed. Just give it a try, you won't be disappointed with all the eye-candy and visual/FDE detail we included in it.
File on and

Although the Moller company probably will object that I name this in the category "fictional".
For obvious reasons, for those of you that know a bit of the history of this longtime, on-going Skycar development :icon_lol:

But from all "fictional" freeware stuff available for FS9 (and I've tried most of them since most "fictional" aircraft have a relation with VTOL-capability, my speciality) , this is probably one of the most complete freeware addon packages around now, maybe with the exception of Pendercraft's fantastic "Jupiter-2" and Libardo Guzman's upcoming Thunderbird-2 package.

Cheers, Rob

PS: Please excuse me for the blatand advertising LoL ...
By the way, talking about fictional aircraft, a tip:

My favorite now (But I'm biassed ..LoL) is the Moller Skycar M400, that Stephen Vernava and I designed. Just give it a try, you won't be disappointed with all the eye-candy we included in it.
File on and

Although the Moller company probably will object that I name this in the category "fictional".
For obvious reasons, for those who know a bit of the history of this on-going development :icon_lol:

Cheers, Rob

PS: Please excuse me for advertising my own (freeware) stuff...
Good one Rob, lol. I can vouch for the fact that you won't be disappointed with the SkyCar at all. Rob and Stephen did an outstanding job and it's a blast to fly.:salute:
Good one Rob, lol. I can vouch for the fact that you won't be disappointed with the SkyCar at all. Rob and Stephen did an outstanding job and it's a blast to fly.:salute:
Thanks for supporting me, Ed ..
I do know you did/do like it a lot ....:jump:

On a sidenote: given your age (sorry, just referring to the time-period of the TV series ... LoL) and interrests, keep your eye out for the upcoming Thunderbird-2; I'm sure you'll get a kick from that as well....

:icon29: Rob
Thanks for supporting me, Ed ..
I do know you did/do like it a lot ....

On a sidenote: given your age (sorry, just referring to the time-period of the TV series ... LoL) and interrests, keep your eye out for the upcoming Thunderbird-2; I'm sure you'll get a kick from that as well....

Yep, still fly the Skycar Rob. . .one of my favorites to be sure. Love being able to go vertical on takeoff and then level out and scream across the sky. . .what a blast, lol.

I'll definitely watch for the Thunderbird-2. I don't know that I ever watched the series, but from I've read it will be worth waiting for.:salute: