Best Freeware Connie

Dolphin shaped. One of the most hydrodynamically perfect shapes. On a banana both the top and the bottom typically curve in the same direction. Not so on the Connie.

Cruise speed records were traded back and forth between the different versions of each manufacturer. Don't compare apples and oranges.

Same as for the speeds...range while carrying equal loads.

The Doug's do have one clear victory though...price.
Dolphin shaped. One of the most hydrodynamically perfect shapes. On a banana both the top and the bottom typically curve in the same direction. Not so on the Connie.

Cruise speed records were traded back and forth between the different versions of each manufacturer. Don't compare apples and oranges.

Same as for the speeds...range while carrying equal loads.

The Doug's do have one clear victory though...price.

The Connie is sexy ..... the Douglas is utilitarian :icon_lol:

Love 'em both though. :jump:

Jagd is right. I use CalClassic's period scenery and AI on my iterations of FS9 depicting flight in the 50s and 60s. Outstanding in every way. Even the AI aircraft and call signs are period-specific. You can't ask for better than that!:salute:
As well as all the wonderful things mentioned that can be found at calclassic there are also classic charts and a whole archive from FSAviator about Propliner flying in all it's forms. Genius writings.

Been there quite a few time - just never signed up for the board. I have an "eclectic" taste in aircraft, and generally, the bigger, the better. For props, I like JBK's Brabazon - when I'm not flying a Connie. If I get in the mood to burn Kerosene, I fly the A380 or C-5 fully loaded.
I think it is safe to say that without CalClassic the Connies would not be what they are today. Tom and many others over there were invaluable in their contributions both in real code and information.
Tom even provided the voice for the engine start sequence and the V-Speed call out.

The site is a treasure trove of knowledge and friendly support that is simply the unequaled peak of the community.


It was a golden age of passenger fly then was an event...a time to dress appropriately...of service,concern, civility,politeness,safety..Never more to be seen,or experienced again....The "CONNIE" from the mind of Howard Hughes..This in a different day,and a different way.Now .so long ago !!..Vin!!






Maybe part of the draw for the piston-powered airliners was that all the mechanical movement was on the outside of the airplane, where you could see the "results" of all the noise by seeing those whirling props. It's like the difference between a diesel locomotive and a steam locomotive - with a steam loco, the action's where you can see it - that's for sure. The comments about that being a bygone era, never to return, are exactly right. That's true in more ways than just air travel, by the way.
Well who knows, there are still a couple ventures trying to revive the airships and their even more glorious way of stately travel through the air.
But as for the golden age of round engines and whirling props and passengers that treated travel like something special and dressed for the occasion....yes those days are gone.

The Connie has a very special place in my heart. It was in one that I had my first commercial flight. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Very exciting times for a young lad.
When it comes to propliners, the Manfred Jahn L749 is near the top of the list with me. But the JBK Boeing 307 Stratoliner will always be at the top of the list.

California Classics is one of my regular stops for FS.