BFU Comet

Desert Rat

Library Staff
Staff member
First things first, apologies to Ed Moore for the elongated timespan for this requested scheme. All I can say is real life happened along with my 3rd daughter and 4th child.

Next, I have just uploaded another DH Comet skin, this one a fictional Bush Flying Unlimited Scheme. For those who don't know about BFU, check here,

It differs somewhat from the usual BFU burgundy/white scheme as I tried to make it fit the era of the Comet. The scheme itself is also an attempt to do that, thus she is painted in an Art Déco style with white wall tyres and a little chrome here and there.

Anyway, here's a link, might not work yet, but hey, why not?

and some pics, hope you like her. I have not forgotten the rest of the suggested schemes, will try and get them done soon(ish).


View attachment 40351View attachment 40352View attachment 40349View attachment 40350
...cripes a' mighty!...two aircraft coming out of the cobwebs in one week!

...that's made my mind, super hangar it is!
There's just so much great work coming in around here lately to resist.

Super stuff, Jamie! ...and oh ay, ye gets ya ouzo, and it's nay a wee one laddie!
Jamie, just great!! Lost the first BFU paint job....sigh. Great timing. First the Fords now the Comet!! Any word on the all Yellow Comet you had done before? Thanks in advance.

Sadly, the repaint will not work on the FSX-converted Comet (the one that has been transformed into native FSX format).
I guess I'll have to reinstall the original FS9 Comet (which works perfectly in FSX) to enjoy this repaint :running:
Sadly, the repaint will not work on the FSX-converted Comet (the one that has been transformed into native FSX format).
I guess I'll have to reinstall the original FS9 Comet (which works perfectly in FSX) to enjoy this repaint :running:


should work fine, just flip the two main textures vertically, et voila, works in FSX.
I do believe I have Never tried the default Comet...

...but I certainly will now!
Very nice, Jamie!
Must admit I'd never done much with the default Comet until now.

Love the BFU paint , Thanks Jamie :applause:

For a richer sound I've used the DH-104 Dove / Devon sounds created by Gary Jones.

Now to update the panel .....

next ones the Yellow trainer, a dirty quick blast of K5084 in custard paint. Specially for Ed again, but can't let it go out alone so will be accompanied by another dirty slap of night.


View attachment 40423View attachment 40422

PS. tonight if I can undo the white-wall tyres on the master textures, lol.
okay dokey, uploaded. Next is Boomerang, the last of the factual paints. Barring me going back to Grosvenor House and doing a red and silver version as is now believed a possibility.

thanks for the further comments guys, and thanks Pete for the sound suggestion, will look in to it when I stop painting it and fly the dang thing, lol.

I will give that a try. Thanks a lot for this advise :ernae:

I tried it and it does work, but texs were blurry, almost certainly down to my methods. Probably best ask in the X forum for advise on this as I've never until now tried it.
