BFU Comet

I had some good results, by flipping the textures AND their Alpha Channel. No blurries at all, but I have only flipped the main one, I still need to handle the interior ones.
Yes I knew about your other repaints, but this BFU one has something more. This combination of cream+brown colors gives such a classy GA look to this bird, I just love it. The united colors repaints are nice too, but they don't have the same "charm" as this BFU repaint.

"Stealing" the other textures from other paints is indeed a very good idea, and there is a mecanism to do that easilly in FSX. I didn't think about it. Thanks once more for this advise :ernae:
Well, in the end it worked "almost" like a charm :jump:
There is just a little texture bug on the engine, but everything else works just perfect, and I have to say it looks good, REALLY good. :ernae:




I was aware of the other repaints, but this cream+red one is exactely the kind of "stylish" that I like.