Big Radials Goose (payware) released

Cowlings looks fine to me. Real Goose:
Also not hearing the looping on the engines, so it's odd y'all are so bothered by it. I thought the engine sounds were fantastic. (Not denying that you're hearing it or that it's irritating to you, but just pointing out for others thinking of the plane that it's not a complaint everyone has. Haven't seen it cited on the official forum or the Discord...)
As is with just about every sim release, the buyer becomes a beta tester to sort out the bits n bobs. The audio looping is quite obvious to me and others. I can also detect it in the review videos. Glad I'm not the only one to hear it, otherwise I would think it was the single malt. All in all, the audio sounds are no better than the reworked freeware Goose which is pretty darn fantastic. At least this model Goose lands very nicely on water and is steerable.
Found these images that better illustrate the cowling for this particular model. A little work is needed.
Anyone here connected with "Big Radials"? Here are a couple of the original Grumman blueprint drawings for the cowl ring, which provides a clear cross-section and dimensions.

Cowl rings of this era rounded inward, and the cross-section resembles the leading edge airfoil of a wing (as my experience modeling the B-25 to original blueprint drawings showed as well).

A bigger version of each drawing can be found my clicking on the image and viewing them in full size off of the Flickr page (if anyone should want an even larger version, just let me know).

The other thing I noticed, looking at the screenshots, is that they have the starboard nacelle mirrored from the port-side - one of the problems as a result of this is that the carburetor intake/scoop is on the wrong side of the starboard nacelle/cowling.

Also, looking at the product screenshots, the port-side cowling has latches on both sides, and the starboard cowling has no latches at all. In reality, both cowlings are identical to one another, with both having latches on the starboard-side of each cowling and no latches on the port-side of each cowling.
If the looping is higher-pitched, that would explain why it doesn't bug me. One of the few benefits of being over 50 -- though I hear normal stuff just fine, my high-pitch hearing is shot to heck. :) I had a recording downloading on my phone a few years ago that I could play that drove my son nuts, but his mom and I couldn't hear anything!

Definitely encourage any purchasers to head over to their Discord link and report any issues. (Or the official MS forum if you're not willing to embrace our Discord overlords, but MS discourages publishers from using their forum for official support.)
It's going to be on Marketplace, but they have a ridiculously slow certification process that results in a week to months delay before products go live.

On the Discord they said SimMarket sales were really low for the P-40 so they're not sure if they're going to bother there.

Because I am a serial KEY-Looser I just love having all FS purchases on one maybe two providers and SimMarket is my preferred one.
I recently re-installed FSX just so I could compare our own Connies to the new one for MSFS and I could simply retrieve my FSUIPC and WideFS info etc...and not search through my own rather disorganized records.

So I will most definitely buy it, if it does make it to SimMarket. I don't think I would base that decision on sales of the P-40. A great airplane IRL but certainly not the first one that comes to mind when most folks think of WW2 fighters.

Have you tried OrbX? Their app makes updates so simple and automatic... Easier to manage than watching for SimMarket emails. :)

I hope I won't upset moderators with this, but Orbx app is just what keeps me from buying from them. Any vendor requiring installation of an app, in fact. What's wrong with emails? I do also prefer SimMarket over the rest.
I hope I won't upset moderators with this, but Orbx app is just what keeps me from buying from them. Any vendor requiring installation of an app, in fact. What's wrong with emails? I do also prefer SimMarket over the rest.

I understand that as of March 21, Simmarket requires you to use their new App for downloads.
I find Orbx Central very handy for getting updates, it informs me when the update is available & when I say 'install', it does that, in the correct location.
It has other functionality too.
Well, I love the OrbX app, because it automatically updates your purchases whenever a new version is released. Last I heard SimMarket's app didn't do that, and that's the one feature I look for in an app.

I have zero objection to apps as long as they don't install always-running background processes, or give you the option to not have them auto-load on startup.

Alas, that's where the market is going, because it really is a huge benefit for the end-user, and it helps the sellers too by making support easier, so I'm afraid that apps will be as inevitable to flight simming as an Internet connection is. (I remember folks posting a decade ago that they'd never connect their sim PCs to the Internet. I wonder if they're still out there flying FS2002? :) )

As for the Goose, to get back on topic, I actually purchased it directly from Big Radials, so that they'd get all the money without sharing it with a store. That might be the best option long-run to avoid store apps, though even then some publishers like Aerosoft use apps to maintain their products.
I have zero objection to apps as long as they don't install always-running background processes, or give you the option to not have them auto-load on startup.

Yep, that's of course the key matter, and that's not always easy to determine. You can be sure that app developers design their apps the way they want, which is not necessarily the way YOU want. In other words, many apps behave more nosy than they should. After many years working as a computing assistant and fighting every kind of malware, I've learnt that "less is more", specially in this area.

That might be the best option long-run to avoid store apps, though even then some publishers like Aerosoft use apps to maintain their products.

Yep, I know. LatinVFR use also an app named Contrail, which I specially hate (as much as I love their add-ons).
Does anyone know if Big Radials has any plans to build other variants of the Goose...with the retractable floats?

A great model pleasant to fly but it is sad that some of the liveries offered are rather approximate.
So, I tried to get closer to reality by correcting the "texture.NAVY" livery.


