Black Screen

Oh don't get me started on what M$ has decided we're too stupid to do! My wife has windows 8, just wait till you try that mess. Not only can you not adjust anything on your own computer but they can keep track of everything you ever use it for if they so desire.:toilet:

On a brighter note, I'm still holding my breath but I think I've fixed my problem! I went and downloaded the oldest driver I could find for my graphics card and did a clean install of it. I've not yet touched the settings on the card to put them back where I had them before but I've been able to fly several quick combat missions in a row and no problems. Fingers crossed and knocking on every wooden object in the house. Thanks for all your tips!
Spoke too soon.:banghead: The driver change did significantly improve things, but I still encounter the problem most recently after about 5min, whereas immediately following the old driver install I had no trouble for 15min runs (all I had time to do at the time).
Yes, probably denial on my part. I want to exhaust all the options that don't cost money before I sink any cash into it. Not easy stuff to come by, that money stuff!:icon_lol:
So the final answer to the problem ended up being a dust issue. Even though I had given everything a pretty thorough cleaning with compressed air I neglected to clean out the vents on the graphics card. This was mainly because it was fairly inaccessible and it didn't look too bad. However I began to notice my black screen came just as my GPU temp reached a certain level. So I opened everything up again and actually removed the card completely and found the fan exhaust vents to be completely chocked out. $10 for another can of air and all is well. Much better than the $80 I was afraid I would have to cough up for a new card! Incidentally the GPU fan is hardly ever on anymore whereas before it ran full bore all the time. If I start to hear it again I'll know where to look.

Hopefully this will help anyone who gets into a similar situation, before you replace anything make absolutely certain the individual parts are dust free as well as a general cleaning.
It was an overheating issue (now resolved) rather than a software issue. CFS3 is running happy and bug free.