Black Square Duke Released 5/10

Here's a few pics of liveries done by TimHH and myself... some included with the packages some will be freely uploaded to

Most of these feature a "dynamic" registration system where you can type your own tail number

(pics are 4k so just click on them - the liveries aren't jaggy - just the smaller thumbnails make them look like it)

0SC1 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr

N80WE_close by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr

tduke5 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr

3casunset3 - Copy by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
Let's see, I have the CC-310, which I haven't learned. I have the C-414, which I haven't learned. I have the Lear 35, which I haven't learned. I have the PC-12, which I have sorta learned. If I buy this one, which I am sure I will do, I will need to hire a pilot to fly them.
I note that they are selling Piston & Turbo versions separately, or as a bundle.
What are the main differences between the Piston & Turbo versions such that you would want to have both of them?
When they say Turbo, they mean t-prop with a pair of PT6 engines. Essentially two completely different planes. I don't need any more piston twins, so I'll probably save a few bucks and just get the turbine version. But if the bundle is low enough for both, I'll get that to help the dev out and have the piston version as ramp candy.
I note that they are selling Piston & Turbo versions separately, or as a bundle.
What are the main differences between the Piston & Turbo versions such that you would want to have both of them?
Engine management is a bit different for one. But mainly climb rate of the turbine is a lot better - probably 3000-4000 fpm vs 1000-2000 fpm. At altitude the turbine is also a bit quicker as well (290 ktas vs 250 or so)
I down loaded the two manuals and briefly read through them.. Man I am tempted. Especially the Turbo Duke. I am leaving for Canada in a couple days. When I get back I may just have to get it.
Got the combo, Piston and Turbine, both are awesome, simply the best I have seen in this class of FS model. The Turbine Duke is a rocket ship!
Here's a few pics of liveries done by TimHH and myself... some included with the packages some will be freely uploaded to

Most of these feature a "dynamic" registration system where you can type your own tail number

(pics are 4k so just click on them - the liveries aren't jaggy - just the smaller thumbnails make them look like it)

0SC1 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr

N80WE_close by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr

tduke5 by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr

3casunset3 - Copy by Ryan Butterworth, on Flickr
I thought this was a real photo, not out of the sim. Bit pricy for the 2-pack. May just choose the Turbo.
Gonna have to think on this one. The bundle is as much as the base sim, but there are a keister-load of features.
The price is comparable to a full featured DCS release. Before people say, "But, they can drop bombs." I say, "Yes, but I can't fly a DCS fighter anywhere in the world. This airplane, and others, give me the option to go anywhere in the world at pretty much full fidelity. In my opinion Black Square is as detailed and high-fidelity as a PMDG aircraft.
On the Turbo aircraft- what AP is in use, & does it handle ILS landings ok.
& if it has VNAV, is that functional?
Never flown in a Turbine Duke but my former company owned a standard Duke and got to ride right seat a few times (manage the radios. lol). It's got Balls on power and then some. The engine sounds are dead on. That aircraft was sadly lost later on in a gear up landing after mains failed to extend. The engines and airframe were badly damaged and the partner owners and insurance wrote it off.

I really like this model and this Dev's work. Now if only they'd do a MU-2-60 for us, I'd be in hog heaven!
On the Turbo aircraft- what AP is in use, & does it handle ILS landings ok.
& if it has VNAV, is that functional?
The model comes with a simple Century IV Autopilot & Collins PRE-80C Altitude Preselector and you control the V/S on a wheel on the A/P section of the center pedestal. That being noted, There is some VNAV capability listed in the manual for the PMS50 and TDS GTNXi systems but personally I never use them, I just fly the bird manually until I am set on course then turn the A/P on with the pitch wheel and Altitude Preselector set. It's very smooth. As far as the ILS, it works fine for me. The TDS GTNXi Approach Procedure worked fine but it doesn't auto-tune the ILS as far as I can tell so the freqs have to be manually entered.
Anyone having trouble turning on the autopilot. I'm using the PMS GTN and the autopilot will not turn on.
