Bleriot XI for MSFS out! (Wing42)

Oh yes you are.
I am so glad I got this!

Once installed I dove directly to the Anzani RIP version. It was good that I have been warned on how to handle a take off. So much fun! I would not try crossing La Manche though. On still air it is torturing how slow it is and how much effort is needed to keep it straight. Short hops are fun.
Blériot XI trailer + update:

[FONT=&quot]Here's what's new:[/FONT][FONT=&quot]- Fixed the multiplayer - the aircraft should now show up in multiplayer as expected[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- Added AI sound to Anzani and Gnome variants[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- Fixed the Gnome engine start - when spawning on the ramp, you will now be able to manually start the engine[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]- Fixed artifacts in the external camera view due to a bug in the MSFS HUD[/FONT]
btw. I think its underpowered (or the drag of the model maybe is too big although I think the FM is very well done). I did yesterday this flight between border of Calais and Dover (on Blériot XI Anzani) and it was for me 1:05h (I was flighing straight ahead, without this half circle of L.Bleriot which he did). Maybe I got a little higher because the original flight was 75-100 meters, but it didn't take more than 7 minutes, so there's something wrong here anyway. So its impossible to do this flight in 37 minutes. The wind was calm (hard to tell me about direction because there is no tool to check it in MSFS (or I dont know it) if the weather is live but it was nice time and near ;) real experience.


I think its a some kind of misunderstanding with performance data of Anzani engine. Maybe it generated bigger speed that 30-32 kts (25hp), than in model.


Here is calculation from Plan-G too:


its straight line and shorter trip (about 33km). The best time is 40 minutes so if Anzani produced 32 kts speed on sea level (like in the model) its impossible to do this trip about 37 minutes (it must be added that Louis B. did not fly perfectly straight and at the end made a semicircle in front of Dover), so he really had to go a lot faster to have time for all of this. However Alfred Leblanc did record flight with 68,2 mph speed, I think it was Anzani too (according this So it is possible that the cruise speed in the model is somewhat underestimated but max is ok. Another reason was Louis Bleriot must have had a very strong wind in his back :).


either way this addon is great and it's nice to have come back to it - preferably on the RIP version :ernaehrung004:.