Boeing 727-200..

The only one I'm aware of is Erick Cantu's (Kittyhawk) Boeing 737-200. It's good but IMHO the TinMouse version is better.

I have a downloaded copy of Erick's 737-200 but cannot recall where I found it. I would suggest trawling the usual places e.g. SOH, AVSIM and etc.

/\ also goes under the Vistaliners handle.

IIRC there is a also a model by FFX/SGA, but not sure if its again the Eric Cantu model under a different handle.


The Captain Sim 737 Captain series is terrific IMHO, BUT --

it's payware
has no 2D main panel, but the VC is fantastic
you may have to buy addon versions for cargo, etc at a cheap price depending on what you want
lots of freeware liveries, but not as many as all the freeware stuff for freeware 737-200s
need to be careful - there was an FS2004 version, FSX version, now upgraded for FSX-SE and P3D I believe.

I have it, like it a lot, but needed some work on modified/added VC camera views to suit to my liking
Btw are you asking about 727 or 737-200

if 737-200 there is kittyhawk ffx but HJG has all 727 paints and packages