Boeing 787 Released


Charter Member 2015
Hiroshi Igami of Project Opensky/SkySpirit fame, has released a Boeing 787. No panel, VC, or custom sounds but the model looks fantastic. Paintkit and GenX engines are still in the works. This plane is being released under the name "Tenkuu Development Studio" or TDS.

Available for download at

Thanks for the HU!
This model is mind blowingly good! Just look at the detailed undercarriage with hydraulic lines, and the inside of the doors and cargo bays!
Just stunning how much detail was implied - definitely a winner!
Thanks, Stuart
i don't normally fly airliners...but.... wow, this one's nice.... once they release that paintkit i'll be working on a fictitious RAF 'Vantage' CC.Mk 2 :icon_lol:
and I think near all VA's will start using 787 as part of their Fleet :ernae:

what is the best sound to use with 787?
thanks Matt will try :)

test flying the 787 on route LIMC-EGKK at the moment

does anybody tried to add A2A 3D Lights into this 787?
once they release that paintkit i'll be working on a fictitious RAF 'Vantage' CC.Mk 2 :icon_lol:

YES!!.... :salute:

I normally stay away from "tubes" as well... but THIS is a real BEAUTY. Reckon I'll be starting a virtual airline here pretty soon.

It seems that the link to Flightsim has quit working, so I would recommend just going over there, and search Trent 800 in their FS 2004 Sounds section. The sound file I'm using has 2 parts, the main file and an update, which I think is worth the effort. Until TDS finishes the panel for the 787, you cannot shut off the APU or the electrical with the provided panel. However the panel it uses is perfect for flight, and man, does this thing fly nice!

Anybody tried to add A2A 3D Lights into this 787?

Yes, quite tricky!
I only added landing/taxi lights, as all others are fine and wouldn't work with flexi-wings anyway!

light.6 = 5, 9.9, -11, -4, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow
light.7 = 5, 9.9, 11, -4, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow
light.8 = 5, 56.3, 0, -11.7, fx_shockwave_landing_light_double_small


(I try to avoid the Xenon lights, they are too bright for my liking)
Nice model .. nice texture :applause: .. but it's stop there :icon_lol:
Seems able to climb at 10000 Ft/min .. :isadizzy:
Methink the flight model need .. at least some improvement :icon_eek:
Nice - thanks Dan! I'd love to see a freighter version, but knowing how Hiroshi thinks, it won't happen until Boeing does it.
Nice - thanks Dan! I'd love to see a freighter version, but knowing how Hiroshi thinks, it won't happen until Boeing does it.

won't stop me painting a door on it though as i'll have to when they release the paintkit so i can do my Fictional RAF 'Vantage' CC. Mk 2 :icon_lol:
Nice model .. nice texture :applause: .. but it's stop there :icon_lol:
Seems able to climb at 10000 Ft/min .. :isadizzy:
Methink the flight model need .. at least some improvement :icon_eek:

I have heard the same thing but their group on Facebook has a lot of the old Posky Romper Room crowd there so you dare not contest it. Hopefully, someone will fix it.
The jet does seem a little on the "hot" side at low altitude. I know nothing about how it should fly, or how the real one does. The rate of climb indicates that it has a lot of power, but my "Loach" Boeing 737-400 will climb fairly aggressively too. Not at the rate of the 787, but it will boogie along if you push it.

The 787 cruises very nicely at 40,000 feet... hmmm. About 25% throttle at nearly 370 KIAS... it's really easy to overspeed the plane, but the higher you take her, the easier it is to cruise. Anyone know the maximum service ceiling for the real plane...?

The jet does seem a little on the "hot" side at low altitude. I know nothing about how it should fly, or how the real one does. The rate of climb indicates that it has a lot of power, but my "Loach" Boeing 737-400 will climb fairly aggressively too. Not at the rate of the 787, but it will boogie along if you push it. The 787 cruises very nicely at 40,000 feet... hmmm. About 25% throttle at nearly 370 KIAS... it's really easy to overspeed the plane, but the higher you take her, the easier it is to cruise. Anyone know the maximum service ceiling for the real plane...?BB686:USA-flag:
According to Wiki, service ceiling is 43000 feet.

Re. the questions about rate of climb, to an extent that is a "how long is a piece of string" question, dependent on whole range of factors from load to altitude; however, most references I've seen estimate the 777 climb rate to be about 3500 ft/min at sea level, dropping to about 300 ft/min altitude - all things being equal, I'd expect the 787 to be in that ballpark, anything more than 4000 ft/min would be pushing it. If this one is doing 10000, as per Navtech's post, then the FDE probably needs some serious attention.
The paint kit was released this morning. Should be on New flight dynamics were released a week or two ago along with the GenX model.
ok... it has begun..... i've added a fictional Cargo Door!

FSX use of TDS 787


is there any way to contact Hiroshi for an non Facebook user?

While the RR flys perfect(apart FDE-power) in FSX (with Default 787-800 Panel+ tewaks) the given GE FSX model will not work at all.

Of course you can always use RR and rename the engine textures,but he may not be Aware of that fact

