Check the title line in the Aircraft.cfg file. In FSX is is limited to 127 characters. I think the initial release for the GenX model had to many characters.HIJACK
is there any way to contact Hiroshi for an non Facebook user?
While the RR flys perfect(apart FDE-power) in FSX (with Default 787-800 Panel+ tewaks) the given GE FSX model will not work at all.
Of course you can always use RR and rename the engine textures,but he may not be Aware of that fact
Check the title line in the Aircraft.cfg file. In FSX is is limited to 127 characters. I think the initial release for the GenX model had to many characters.
i'll see what i can come up with :salute:
Check the readme - as long as you have the correct code string, you should be OK.thanks I'll give it a try:is a bit of problem though as the title triggers the texture apperance