Boeing B-797 Double Decker Flying Wing is Released!

This bird is BIG. I was amazed at how big it really was when I pulled up next to a 757. I took off from KSEA. Down the runway and into the air. Nice and graceful. She looks real nice Bill. A lot nicer than the pictures you showed us prior to release.
..The cabin is mega spacious.

I like the attention to detail on the whole exterior. And not bad on frames at all in any view. It actually was a lot smoother on frames than most others!! Usually I have issues with scenery textures popping in out in the distance. Surprising, everything was crystal clear.

This is very exciting. Thanks for sharing your first no-limit model.
This plane is GREAT!! Which brings me to the obvious question....does this success indicate a possibility of seeing more LHC products for FS9 soon? Or at all? I know the WT9 has been mentioned, but i was awfully bummed to see the Victory VLJ go FSX only...and I wonder what the chances are....:jump:
This plane is GREAT!! Which brings me to the obvious question....does this success indicate a possibility of seeing more LHC products for FS9 soon? Or at all? I know the WT9 has been mentioned, but i was awfully bummed to see the Victory VLJ go FSX only...and I wonder what the chances are....:jump:

Yes. More planes from LHC now in FS9 format. Perhaps even more in FS9 format then in FSX format. :d Its been a real breath of fresh air, working in FS9 again. Its really nice to make planes for.

Some small notes of features not mentioned.

There is a Belly Cam and a RH Rudder Cam accessible only in FS9 and when in 2D or VC panel view modes. Select Numpad 4-5 (together) for Belly Cam, and Numpad 5-6 for RH Rudder view.

Dome light is turned on with the 'O' key (letter Oh) which is usually used for strobes. Shift L is instrumentation lighting only, great for night flights.

Yes. More planes from LHC now in FS9 format. Perhaps even more in FS9 format then in FSX format. :d Its been a real breath of fresh air, working in FS9 again. Its really nice to make planes for.


....YIPPEEEEE!!!!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!! This is the BEST news I've heard on the FS9 front in a loooong time!!! Thank you, Mr. Bill Ortis!!!!
congrats and thanks!

hey Bill,
This plane is a superbly executed proof-of-concept! And a great flyer.

It looks great, feels good in the cabin, and the level of animation detail in the gear, for example, is stunning.

Of course I luv all the knobs, and cant wait for the future designs

What a cracker! A highly original and high quality model, superb stuff! Right I'm off to do some screenshots

Kind regards

AVG apparently calls a virus threat on downloading the pdf manual from
Anyone confirm this?

I confirm it...

Just great. Hackers again. They also hit my Bellanca Super Viking page. I havent found a way to clear it up. For some reason the hacking is invisible. I delete pages and put new ones in and its still there.

Terrorism. These guys should be charged with terrorism.

EDIT: If you access the manual by pasting in the address, you can get straight there into the PDF.

Some how, they have hacked links in my website.

Hi Bill, She flies real excellent and handles excellent under Arctic flight conditions. Thank you
I finally got a chance to play with the "production" version, and I like the new treatment of the panel colors!:ernae: The only thing I found (and really should have checked in the beta, sorry Bill) is the standby frequencies don't work. The Radios section of the aircraft.cfg should read:

// Radio Type=availiable, standby frequency, has glide slope
Com.1=1, 1
Com.2=1, 1
Nav.1=1, 1, 1
Nav.2=1, 1, 1

Also, for those that like to use the minipanel, you can spread the two displays by making this mod to the panel.cfg:

gauge00=LHC_Boeing747-400!Primary Flight Display, 0, 0
gauge01=LHC_Boeing747-400!Multi-Function Display, 467, 0
Hey Tom,

You know, that was on my list of things to do and I cant believe they didnt get done.

The gentleman doing the config files had a different 2D panel and so I guess thats how the Stand-bye's were altered.

Thanks for posting this.

I'm preparing a small flight dynamics update with the kind permission of the author. I found this aircraft a tad stiff in the air so I've made it a bit more fluid in the sky. It will fly with a greater feel of mass and inertia a-la other jets this size. Otherwise this is a marvellous one-of-a-kind bird to get to know.