Bomg damaged buildings for the day after raids.

I don't know of anything in either of those files that would control the max visibility distance of effects. Like the clouds, I believe that's hard coded into the game engine. The clouds go out about 8-10 miles, and that seems to be where the effects visibility gets cut off.

OK, thanks MajorMagee so are you saying that effects are hard-coded as opposed to some of the scenery rendering? I was reading something about scenery rendering in the aircraft container SDK. I don't have it in hand, but it was saying that there is some sort of scenery level entry in the xdp file for facilities(?) or buildings(?) which can decide how far away to allow the structures to render - up to a figure of 64 kilometers. Possible entry numbers include -1,1 etc to 64.

So for big structures like a burning town, at least the buildings can be tweaked to be seen a long way off. Pity that the matching effects don't seem to be able to be seen so far away.
Have to try that. That thread seriously need to be sorted into part of the knowledge sticky; along with "this could be interesting" (Ankor)!

I don't suppose you could specify which were the smoke or mushroom cloud effects only??

I use your config file and compositescenerybudgets files but don't see specific distance

The 30,000 Is that in some effects xml as it is what I use for "OuterDistance="30000"' in my facility xmls???