Both are Good

I haven't tried but it gave me the idea for ETO install to make a batch edit and 5 different aircraft folders for each era. Working on it now but have to check entry and leave date for the large number of aircraft I have in that install. theoretically a couple of batch files would do the job fro any install.
I haven't tried but it gave me the idea for ETO install to make a batch edit and 5 different aircraft folders for each era. Working on it now but have to check entry and leave date for the large number of aircraft I have in that install. theoretically a couple of batch files would do the job fro any install.
Hi James,

One quick way to check the entry and exit dates for aircraft is to use the utility CaGen 1.2.xls. It requires Microsoft Excel though. I have uploaded the utility (just an Excel spreadsheet with a load of clever macros) here at SOH (under the utilities subsection...). There is also an earlier version that someone uploaded.

I've had a rattle around in my utilities backup. There is a tool called "Aircraft_Spawns_1_4.exe" dated Jan 2005.

It says:

"CFS3 Aircrafts spawning Utility

Version 1.4 for usage with NEK_redux
VB 6.0 runtime libraries required


What the utility does:

searches for XDP files inside CFS3 AIRCRAFT folder and enables/disables spawning on the base of what you have chosen to do.
At present you can select the nationality (this version is for NEK_redux) and date by month and year.
You can check any of the 17 nationalities in NEK to spawn and any year and month from 1938 to 1946.
Service dates (EnteredService and LeftService) are read from the XDP so you need to check that correct (historical) values have been entered there.
Planes are enabled to spawn if current date is in between EnteredService and LeftService.


This program is written in Visual Basic to allow selectable airplane spawnings in Combat Flight Simulator 3.
As you probably know a single instruction in the XDP file switches on/off the possibility of spawning for a selected airplane.
The instruction is simply: AllowSpawn="y" or AllowSpawn="n".
Since the number of planes in your current install is probably growing as time goes by, going to mod by hand this feature is just more and more annoying. This utility does that for you.

WARNING: since it goes modding your XDP files inside CFS3 AIRCRAFT folder be prepared to backup before usage and to accept the risk that something might not work as you wish."


This tool offers an alternative for controlling which aircraft appear, without the need for MS Excel.
There is another program like acman, but its for ships, can use it the same way to keep your ship folder tidy, at Freeflight site also, called Shipman.
Sorry I seem to have hijacked the thread, but thanks David for that info. I'll look into it.
Couldn't find "Aircraft_Spawns_1_4.exe" though.
Air_Spawns v1.4 Uploaded

The alert among you may have noticed that I have uploaded this aircraft spawn managing utility, made by the ever-inventive Corrado way back in 2005. v 1.4 is updated to work with NEK, ie. it can handle aircraft from 17 countries. This offers another alternative when managing installations with huge numbers of aircraft. Mind you, I've always thought that ETO does a pretty good job of having sensible entered and left service dates for aircraft, ships, and vehicles. There's always the odd exception, of course when you get an aircraft showing up in a random fighter spawn, that is unwanted.

Sorry again about hijacking this thread, Scott
Update of my texture mod, decided to retexture french fields as well.



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The french field textures were sourced from google earth. Most of the work done was editing each texture's edges to get them to tile seamlessly,and then re_colouring them to match the other terrain tiles that I'm using in the mod. Love doing this stuff.:peaceful:



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