Bring Glenview NAS To Life Again

I don't know if you've seem this article and there aren't any real clear pics of Wolverine from above or on-deck but if you scroll about halfway down there is one aerial shot that seems to show Wolverine as significantly lighter than Sable. Sable's deck was dark - and irregular, as it was used to test various anti-slip coatings on the metal surface, whereas Wolverine was wood.

Great find, SirG!

I hadn't found that site, but it's obviously the source of quite a few of the pictures Capt. Google found for me earlier. And some of those alleged Wolverine pics are revealed to be of Sable. That clears a bit of the fog. Maybe it's time to demote the Captain to Lt. Google.

This leads me further towards a wood grain deck. But then, the carriers out in the fleet all had wooden decks and they seem to have been painted. I found some specifications for carrier camo and they call for the deck to be painted "deck blue." But I don't know if the Wolverine and Sable were even subject to specifications for carriers, since they weren't classified in the CV, CVL or CVE categories.

I think I'm gonna make a wood texture and retain the original, which is dark blue (presumably "deck blue") as an option.

It's possible that the deck wasn't the same color all through the war.

I'd still love to hear from anyone who actually knows.
OK, I have the Wolverine steaming in the lake not too far offshore, due east of Glenview. She has a hard deck, a wake, and smoke spewing from her stacks. Nifty feature of the model: her paddle wheels are churning. There's an ArrCab cable catch zone that should also work for 3Wire. She has textures for a Deck Blue flight deck with pale blue markings, the Virtual Navy's original that could be correct, and a dark wood grain deck with white and yellow markings that might be correct and sure looks pretty. Maybe they're both correct for different time periods.

I sent an e-mail to Bruce of the Virtual Navy, he being the designated contact guy according to the ReadMe file. If the address was no good I would've had a bounce message by now, so I hope to hear back from him with permission to upload the model as FS9 AI. If not I'll just include a link to grab it from the library here, where I got it from.

Yeah, the deck is too red. I took a bunch of the red out after I made the screenie.

The only little detail I have left is to put some splashes and spray behind the paddle wheels, which is easier than it may sound. Then I'm gonna go and have some supper.
Hmmmm... I posted about this in the morning and my post and screenie seem to have gone astray. Curious... I probably keyed Preview Post, then got distracted by Rowdy the Cat and failed to click Submit Reply. If it wasn't for all Rowdy's "help," this project would've been finished and uploaded yesterday or the day before.

Anyway, the project is finished. I'm still hoping to hear back with permission to use the Virtual Navy's ship model. It's only since yesterday that I sent the e-mail asking. If I don't hear back in a day or two, I'll post the Wolverine with a link to the model in the library instead of the including actual model and textures.

Since I posted that screen shot last evening I've drastically reduced the red cast of the wooden deck and turned the hull and superstructure from blue to gray in my speculative non-camouflaged skin. (I haven't altered the VN's camo skin, which remains as an alternative for those who prefer it.) After reading about how the Wolverine and Sable were very smokey ships, I replaced the stack smoke effect with a more robust one. I also replaced the paddle wheel splash effect with a splashier one.

Here's what it looks like now:
I haven't shown the Wolverine yet in her original VN camouflage. Both skins will be provided so everyone can decide which one they like.

I just uploaded something to fly to and from the Wolverine, an authentic 1944 NAS Glenview SNJ-4 skin. It's for Wozza's model.
Mick, where did you find that paint scheme? You know I'm familiar with the history of Glenview and the two carriers but I've never seen a pic of a SNJ with that side #.
I first painted that skin a long time ago, back when we first adapted the Glenview scenery for FS9. I originally painted it on the daSilva model for use as AI and static scenery. I just yesterday painted Wozza's model in that livery for flying at Glenview and on Wolverine.

If memory serves (and I'm pretty sure it does - it wasn't that long ago!) I got it from a photo in the second volume of Maj. John Elliott's series of Monogram "Official U.S. Navy & Marine Corps Color Guide" books, which covers the war years. It was used to illustrate the mid- and late-war marking schemes for advanced trainers. There is also a list of the letter codes for the various training bases, with GL for Glenview. The N, of course indicates a training unit, and the number denotes the individual aircraft.

Do you happen to know what colors the Wolverine was painted with?
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It's up !!!

OK, it's gone up the pipe and will be on the download list soon, probably by this evening.

I never heard back from the VN guys; no response to a PM and a bounce message from an e-mail to the designated recipient.

At first I thought that in the absence of permission I should just upload the FS9 bits with a link to the ship in the library. Then I figured, it's in the SOH library for any of us at SOH to use, and the conversion is only going to the SOH library, so it should be OK to include the ship in the package.
I haven't had a reply to a couple e-mails to Alan, so if you see this, THANK YOU ALAN for making this possible!!!:ernaehrung004:

Now I'll have to see what I might do with the VN's CV-4 Ranger, CV-5 Yorktown, CV-7 Wasp and straight-deck CV-9 Essex, all carriers I've yearned for in Golden Wings since day one. Paul Clawson gave us CV-1 Langley, CV-2 Lexington and CV-3 Saratoga, so now we can have all the pre-war carriers.

Get IX-64 off the Select Aircraft menu

I have just discovered that I neglected to change the Wolverine's aircraft type back to AI in the AIR file.

It's not a problem, but it might be an annoyance to keep seeing the ship show up on your Select Aircraft menu as a flyable aircraft.

The fix is simple. Just open the AIR file in AirEd and change the Aircfat Type from 0 (flyable) to 2 (AI).
This is a great add-on for "tailhooking" in FS9. Thank you Mick, and thanks again for your help in resolving my set-up problem. :encouragement:


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