I don't know if you've seem this article and there aren't any real clear pics of Wolverine from above or on-deck but if you scroll about halfway down there is one aerial shot that seems to show Wolverine as significantly lighter than Sable. Sable's deck was dark - and irregular, as it was used to test various anti-slip coatings on the metal surface, whereas Wolverine was wood.
Great find, SirG!
I hadn't found that site, but it's obviously the source of quite a few of the pictures Capt. Google found for me earlier. And some of those alleged Wolverine pics are revealed to be of Sable. That clears a bit of the fog. Maybe it's time to demote the Captain to Lt. Google.
This leads me further towards a wood grain deck. But then, the carriers out in the fleet all had wooden decks and they seem to have been painted. I found some specifications for carrier camo and they call for the deck to be painted "deck blue." But I don't know if the Wolverine and Sable were even subject to specifications for carriers, since they weren't classified in the CV, CVL or CVE categories.
I think I'm gonna make a wood texture and retain the original, which is dark blue (presumably "deck blue") as an option.
It's possible that the deck wasn't the same color all through the war.
I'd still love to hear from anyone who actually knows.