bring out your dead

Very interesting thread. I agree with GAW that we're apparently all whack jobs. More seriously, I think this thread is a testament to the realism of OFF. If you think about it, much of the humor in these names is dark humor and pretty fatalistic. Exactly the kind of humor people develop in a difficult and dangerous situation- like trying to survive for 17 hours in the air. Nice job, OFF team. However, if I get invalided out due to combat fatigue, you'll get my psychiatrist's bill.
Well, no more time for chat. The siren is calling Leftenant E.Z. Picken the third, er fourth to suit up. Sure hope this one's a milk run...
if you were lucky enough to make it home, someone you knew likely didn't.

Here's a pilot log I did in RB3D back in 2003:


#1: 1 Aug 16 -- Kill #1, SOLE SURVIVOR
Flying N.11, morning airfield attack, 5 N.11s and 2 Bullets. Saw 3 Alb C.III en route so broke off and fought them. All Huns dead, 6 of ours down: 1 shot down, 2 collisions, 3 structural failures, 4 killed, 2 maimed. I got 1 Hun by ramming after running out of ammo, damaging landing gear. Crashed on landing, minor injuries. FAILURE: didn't reach objective.

#2: 4 Aug 16 -- Kill #2, SOLE SURVIVOR
Squadron moved to FLANDERS. Flying N.11, noonday offensive patrol of 4xN.11s. Fought several E.IIIs over lines, others got them all but 1 N.11 down from structural failure. Bounced by 2 Halb D.IIs, I turned to fight while others left me. Fought down to deck. Got 1 of the Halbs and made other break off, ran out of bullets. Unknown N.11 joined fight and went down in flames. Left landing gear in a treetop. Took much damage from ground fire on way home but made it out despite distance and many Hun airfields. Crashed on landing at forward base, minor injuries. Others died in fight with more E.IIIs deep in Hunland. FAILURE: too many casualties.

#3: 7 Aug 16, SOLE SURVIVOR
Squadron has only 2 Bullets left on strength, no N.11s. Flying Bullet, morning bridge defense with other Bullet. No Huns spotted, ran out of fuel short of base on way home. Leader crashed and died, I made good forced landing in sight of field. INCONCLUSIVE: bridge OK, moderate losses.

#4: 10 Aug 16, SOLE SURVIVOR
Squadron has 3 Bullets total. Flying Bullet, evening defense of supply depot far away, 3 Bullets. 2 Rolands appeared, others got them although it appeared I shot 1 down in flames. One of Bullets later caught fire, pilot jumped. Landed in gathering darkness and cloud at forward field, leader ran out of fuel and died in crash trying to get back home. INCONCLUSIVE: depot OK, moderate losses.

#5: 14 Aug 16 -- Kill #3, SOLE SURVIVOR
Squadron has 4 Bullets. Flying Bullet, morning balloon attack, 2 Bullets. 2 balloons close together, we each went after 1 of them and got both. Lost track of leader, landed at forward field with much damage from ground fire. Heard leader died fighting E.IIIs. SUCCESS: target destroyed, moderate losses.

#6: 17 Aug 16 -- Kill #4, EVERBODY LIVED!!
Squadron has 8 Bullets. Flying Bullet, noon balloon defense, 4 Bullets. Balloon attacked by 4 Halb D.IIs, intercepted them on way in. Balloon saved, 2 Huns down. I got 1 of them in long duel on deck over friendly lines, plane finally making forced landing relatively intact, pilot captured. Landed at forward field to get confirmation, others made it home. 2 planes damaged, 1 pilot wounded, but all alive for 1st time! GREAT SUCCESS: balloon safe, decent kills, no losses.

#7: 20 Aug 16
Squadron has 10 Bullets. Flying Bullet, OP to supply dump definitely out of range, 3 Bullets. Had "mechanical failure" so never left ground. Other 2 guys didn't want to go by themselves so just circled field a couple times. INCONCLUSIVE: no losses, no kills.

#8: 23 Aug 16 -- Kill #5, SHOT DOWN
Squadron has 10 Bullets and 1 N.17, which I got to fly. Suicidally deep OP of 1 N.17 (me) and 1 Bullet. Met 2 Alb C.IIIs en route and engaged. Left leader far behind with my new crate. Quickly downed 1 Hun with shot to pilot, leader caught up and appeared to kill gunner of other. We both shot it up without return fire, then leader collided with it and spun in. Gunner woke up and shot off my lower right wing. I went into bad spin but managed to recover and survived decent crash landing with minor injuries. FAILURE: more losses than kills.

#9: 27 Aug 16
Squadron has 9 Bullets and 1 N.17. Flying Bullet, long-range balloon attack, 3 Bullets and 1 N.17. Hit by flak over lines, engine lost much of its power. Broke off and landed at forward field fearing fire. Others pressed on and all returned safely, but didn't get balloon. FAILURE: target not destroyed.

#10: 30 Aug 16 -- Kill #6
Squadron has 9 Bullets and 1 N.17. Flying N.17, short in-and-out balloon attack, 1 N.17 and 1 Bullet. Outran leader in attack run to balloon. 2 E.IIIs were top cover but outran them also and got balloon although it took 2 passes. Leader meanwhile tangled with E.IIIs and got 1. Engaged remaining E.III, roped him, and he stalled and crashed, but no confirmation. After recrossing lines, saw 2 Rolands above and climbed up to them. They aborted their bombing mission and headed for home with me in pursuit. Chased them back across lines but did them little damage because of their aggressive wingman tactics. Picked up a few holes from them and ground MGs at balloon. Both of us made it home OK. GREAT SUCCESS: target destroyed, 1 other kill, everybody home safe.

Sholto Bullethead failed to return from his 11th mission.
Baywing- Now that's more my style. My next unwitting recruit will be Otto Gifup. I think you've enabled a whole squadron of victims.
My way of justifying my short lifetimes is: where would the great aces be without us victims? We all have a role to play in the great food chain. Mine just happens to be similar to the relationship rabbits have with foxes or krill have with whales. We're all part of the great plan...

So funny - I tell my bicycle racing friends that the 'crushing defeat' they've experienced would never occur if I didn't come in last place or crash out!
German pilots are mainly former football players:
Franz Beckenbauer, Lothar Matthäus and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge are dead. Gerd Müller has just arrived at the front.

French pilots are french philosophers:
Jacques Derrida flies SPAD's while Foucault flies Nieuports. None are active at present.

British pilots are Shakespearean:
So far there is only one, not active, Macbeth.

American pilots will be from my fav TV series, Deadwood.
Seth Bullock, Al Swearengen and who knows how far I can go there.
Hey, how about that! I'm not the only one doing follows:

Otto Moebeel
Armana Legg
Jurken Klinc
Fetchen Kerry
Art Hillary
Adam Bomm
Lerchen Kalaps
Soocher Kutz
Stufin Cement
Pulen Tugg
Caesar Klevege
Roland Waddle
Bowen Airoe
Ahkwit Beefin
Ammedo Mufen
Motley Kuller
Alotta Swet
Imma Clutts
Landon Dewater
Great Stuff! You boys have given me enough names to last several weeks!