Bristol Centaurus 'Seafury' sounds released...

As I sat on the ramp, mezmerised by the pounding of the throbbing engine, I took a closer look around the VC. I hadn't noticed the slightly fuzzy gauge appearance. Sooo, went into the panel.cfg and made the following adjustment for all the vc windows.

[Vcockpit01] thru [Vcockpit07]

pixel_size=1024,1024 //512,512

Makes a big difference.:jump:

One bottle of Ouzo would be more than enough kind Sir. As I vaguely recall, that amount usually had me crawling from the Electra hotel to the Acropolis -- for some reason known only to the Oracle I'm guessing.:blind:
Yet another masterpiece from the Land o' Ouzo. This racket may be your best yet. The whistle was unexpected and is very reminescent of the P-51 "whistle of death." Really cool.

Like someone else said, it's fun to fire her up and just let her set on the tarmac boiling away, and away, and away.

I may be wrong here but I think the name "Whistling Death" was given to the F4U Corsair, by the Japanese, during WWII, for that very reason. The P-51 also has a definate "whine" at higher rpm when the supercharger kicks in. That Rolls Royce (Packard) Merlin sounds so smooth and sweet!

Excellent job on those sounds Nigel! A round of Ouzo for all the "Sea Fury Drivers".

racartron, BB686; this what you mean Gentlemen? View attachment 37130 :salute:

Excellent job on those sounds Nigel! A round of Ouzo for all the "Sea Fury Drivers".


I'll second that, in fact why don't we make it our 'official' ceremonial drink!

...and before we all get legless, as described (prescribed?) by racartron, make his suggested changes to the panel cfg file. It makes a big improvement! :salute:

...nnnootttherrr bbotttllle fforr racartron !!!! :isadizzy:
Oh! How Sweet!

Hey Nigel!...finally got the 'Bristol-Cent-sounds' installed and must say.."Oh! How Sweet it is..!!!..that sound of Fury!! Just Great!
Fly High...Punch Holes in the Sky
:salute: Walt, glad you managed to get the Centaurus fired up. Keep her punching the holes!

racartron; the twin/multies version would be a useful addition. It's on my list even though in the absence of firsthand sound scources they may have to be a compromise using the Seafury sounds in 'mixes'. This would be a last resort however, and if anyone knows of 'multi' Centaurus recordings, I would be most interested.
T'would be nice for the Bristol Brigand, too. Available at Britsim I believe.

I will be offline for about a week due to pressing engagements. Please PM me with any queries or suggestions and I'll be on to them ASAP.

In the meantime, I thank all of you once again for making our community such a rich, diverse and absorbing place to be!

Best Regards'

Just did a down a dirty dupe of your sounds and hooked them into Teds Brigand, I think I just woke the neighbourhood up!!!!

Now you need to do a real mod, and rememeber you get a hiss off the cooling impellors on the Brigand.

I might also mention that racartron's vc mods are stellar - makes a huge difference!

Mike :applause:

'ppreciate the comments, but this tweak has been around for literally years. In the ol' days, most processors counldn't manage the 1023x1024 pixel size, hence the 512x512 compromise. A lot of designers got in the habit of just pushing the lower res size to keep folks from fussing (at them mostly).

Old habits die hard and you would be amazed how many birds in your hanger also have the 512x512 pixel callout hiding in th panel.cfg. I discover several a week as I play around with my ever growing inventory.

Just did a down a dirty dupe of your sounds and hooked them into Teds Brigand, I think I just woke the neighbourhood up!!!!

Now you need to do a real mod, and rememeber you get a hiss off the cooling impellors on the Brigand.


:salute: 'Uncle' Ted Cook has certainly blessed our community with some gems over the years, Leif. The Bristol Brigand is no exception. This is another aircraft where a little tweaking can bring new life to an excellent base model. I will definately be looking into a 'multies' sound version. If I can dupe that 'hiss' it will surely be there too.
Thanks Leif!
:salute: 'Uncle' Ted Cook has certainly blessed our community with some gems over the years, Leif.

It's one of a number of Ted Cook aircraft that I think deserve the SOH polish; a decent paintkit, some attention to the FDE and I think it could be pretty spectacular. The same applies to his series of Hawker biplanes (Fury, Nimrod and the Hart series), they are damn good in their own right but a little attention will make them into something special - the recent release of the RR Kestrel soundpack at Britsim breathed new life into these, now all they need is a set of decent paintjobs.

My concentration at the moment, however, is on his Avro Lincoln, after I picked up an old Warpaint on the weekend. There are so many interesting schemes that could be applied, I just hope that he has mapped this model in a way that allows me to try a few of them out.
you know there is an updated version that Ted did, with a Cockpit by Lars Fors and a nice MerlinXX sound set? Peter Watkins did a couple of repaints for it

you know there is an updated version that Ted did, with a Cockpit by Lars Fors and a nice MerlinXX sound set? Peter Watkins did a couple of repaints for it



Yep, found it last night and installed it; that cockpit is very nice - and those sounds, wow!! I got Peter's repaints, that 57 Sqn repaint is sweet; got a few in mind myself now, as I said it's just a case of hoping Ted's mapping will allow me to do what's needed.


Thanks for your outstanding Centaurus sounds. Inspired me to dust off the Sea Fury and brush up my Carrier quals.

The only Brit Carrier I have at present is the HMS OCEAN or GLORY conversion from a French freeware version of the ex-COLOSSUS class Carrier ARROMANCHES.

Have installed the HMS ARK ROYAL created by Chandler, Paterson and Kirby. Am sure it would look nice if the deck was not at sea-level.

Anyone out there know of a fix to raise this Carrier up 66 feet?

Thanks for your outstanding Centaurus sounds. Inspired me to dust off the Sea Fury and brush up my Carrier quals.

The only Brit Carrier I have at present is the HMS OCEAN or GLORY conversion from a French freeware version of the ex-COLOSSUS class Carrier ARROMANCHES.

Have installed the HMS ARK ROYAL created by Chandler, Paterson and Kirby. Am sure it would look nice if the deck was not at sea-level.

Anyone out there know of a fix to raise this Carrier up 66 feet?
The 4 AF2 files that have OF in the title need to be in a seperate folder, call it Flatten create another folder inside flatten called scenery and put the OF files inside the scenery folder. Very important make sure you keep this at the top of the scenery list.
The problem with the sinking decks comes from FS throwing a wobbly with airports that hover above the water and it drags the water up to meet it. The way around it is to make a "flatten" file seperate from the normal afcad that forces the water to stay down. In this case the flattens are provided but for future reference open Afcad, put an apron taxi route that run's down the carrier extending out a few hundred feet either end and make the taxi route 800 feet wide. Take a look at the flattens with the Ark to see what I mean. Flattens only work if they are at a higher scenery priority than the carrier scenery. I keep all flattens together in one file and keep it at the top of the scenery list to avoid problems.
:salute:vonernsk; glad you liked the sounds. I think I'll follow your example and do a bit of carrier brushing up myself!

Clarke123; thanks for the HU with the carriers!

AndyG43 and Leif, thanks for reminding us about good old Ted Cooks Lincoln. And those interwar Hawker those little aircraft!

Flyboy208; now those are some taaasty shots, Mike!

Hey, anyone know if Ted Cook is presently working on a new project?
He certainly has been a wiz at filling gaping fs gaps in the past. I could ask the same about Dave Garwood.
Where would be without that superb Hunter. And no one did anything on a freeware Lanc since Dave's. It's beyond my comprehension the fact that we have nothing in the way of a serious Mossie too; what a many variants!
There I go getting off track again!...