Congtrats Bry!!! Welcome to Melborne....
Yes, its time to fly soemthing modern 'back home'
My flight is almost done.... I began....
727-200 from Melborne to Sydney
747-400 from Sydney to SanFrancisco, but had to divert to Hawaii for fuel miscalculation (I swore I put in enough, but the FMC kept screaming at me i was low, so I diverted)
757-200 from Hawaii to KSFO
757-200 from KSFO to KSEA, (I used to live in Tacoma, so needed to visit (grin)
747-400 From KSEA to KBOS, Dusty had critical gear failure on landing with his PMDG MD11 so he crashed after the long flight, then his sim crashed too, double whammy, lovely.... my landing was great, but the heavy plane full of passengers and cargo used the whole runway to slow without burning the brakes too hot!!!
contemplating using the dreamfleet baron58 or carenado seneca, probably the seneca from KBOS to KGFL (HOME!!!)
Good Luck to all on the respective trips home in the modern a/c (with as much glass in the cockpit, i see... hahahah)