C123 repaints continued.


Not only did the Cambodian AF and the VNAF fly the Provider, but the Royal Thai Air Force operated them for many years too.

As well as South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Laos and the phillipines not to mention a couple of private firms like Butler Air Services and Air America. There are plenty of schemes available to do, thats why i'll be uploading the layered paintkit incase anyone wants to do any of them :d.

Both the USAF and VNAF schemes are now available for download. I'm not sure which scheme is next, too many too choose from lol.

This one is getting finnished up next, after all got to give them there civilians something too play with.:d
Nice piccies mate, I have just uploaded the N698SM scheme, It will show up once admin has played with it.

I'm still using the DC3 sounds for now I have been too busy shoving paint brushes in places to get around too worrying about the rest of it :d. Glad you guys like the paints, the dog is going around complaining she is a computer widow again after the past couple of weeks:costumes:
Loving these repaints Steve, thank you. what sounds are you guys using for the 123
cheers ian

This is what I'm using:

P&W 2800's
Canadair CL215
mt215fs9.zip @ flightsim.com
Sound files of Pratt&Whitney R2800 piston engine comes from the similar Piston engined Martin B26 Marauder "Hitch Hiker" released by David Eckert, R.L. Clark,Paul Roberts for Fs2004

3 blade prop for the WoP B-24 Bomber
Thank you, Steve. Real nice. For what it's worth the USAF SEA cammo C-123K call sign was "Booky", as in "Booky 238". I was an USAF air traffic controller in county 1962 and 1970/71. Nha Trang Tower, Thy Hoa Tower and Danang Tower. I've downloaded all your C-123's except the Black Sp Ops 123, Can't find it, yet. These Sp Ops guy's flew out of Danang in 1970/71. One day some AF guy was out near the runway, (17L) taking photo's of one of the "Black Bird's and the pilot radioed us and ask us to call the Air Police and, "get that guys film" ! Which we did and wached the film retreval. That Black Bird pilot was not a happy camper. I know what their mission was but can't state it as it might be still classified. All I'll say it was defenitly some black ops stuff. Anyway, keep up the great work.

The Black schemes will be out sometime this week, a completely black and an SEA cammo with black undersides are planned. When I was in service we also used too aviod publicity and did horrible things to anyone caught taking photo's:d

I have just uploaded my layered masters. And the black scheme is now showing as available for download.

Thanks for all your hard work, SteveB. Your textures have breathed some new life into this bird. I really think she is most attractive in black:d......
Thanks for all your hard work, SteveB. Your textures have breathed some new life into this bird. I really think she is most attractive in black:d......

Black is always good for making fat birds look slimmer :costumes: