Calling out Aerosoft

Matt, you have definitely made your point. We are all free to make choices. Knowing this is an almost completely new aircraft not just updated to P3D v4 64bit I will definitely be purchasing it. Thanks for your input. There are definitely two sides to this Aerosoft story.

Tom, a very polite and tactful way of saying shut up :very_drunk: so in return I will cease to rattle this cage, but (and there is always a but with me)

Having no emotional ties with anyone behind the scenes with this airbus or AS management, I will continue to monitor and see how this pans out however I wont let go of the cage just yet, in case I feel the need to rattle sh#t out of it down the track
A2A didnt ask for an update fee and all their products embrace all the v4 features,

Well, to be fair, A2A will charge for the P3Dv4 version of their warbirds. The Spitfire, Mustang, P-47 etc... will not be upgraded to v4, they will be rebuilt as new, more up-to-date models instead. And then we will have to buy them again.
Aerosoft is also doing that with their Airbus: they said they would bring them up to the "future" A330 level of realism, which is supposed to be much higher than the A32x/A31x current level of realism.

But I get your point, I'm also a bit disappointed the current Airbus family won't be ported "as-is" to P3Dv4, especially since my computer couldn't handle them very well in v3 (I was hoping v4 would make their FPS impact a bit lower...).
Well, to be fair, A2A will charge for the P3Dv4 version of their warbirds. The Spitfire, Mustang, P-47 etc... will not be upgraded to v4, they will be rebuilt as new, more up-to-date models instead. And then we will have to buy them again.

And this is where I feel that A2A have shot themselves in the foot. I have all the A2A warbirds they worked fine in P3D V3.4. The same with their C-172, C-182, Commanche and the Cherokee. They worked fine in both sims but I steadfastly refuse to purchase a whole new aircraft just to fly it in P3D V4. Once I finally ditch FSX and P3D V3.4 in the next few months those aircraft will go to a very dark corner of my hangar never to see the light of day until when and if A2A wake up and realise that their loyal customer base has gone bye, bye because they refuse to support current customers by upgrading their models. I would be happy to pay a modest fee for an upgrade but not $A60+ for a complete new aircraft that I already own.

Carenado and Alabeo and several other developers are upgrading their aircraft free of charge and they will have front row positions in my hangar.

Oh and the fact that I am on a low fixed income (aged pension) has a lot to do with my refusing to buy A2A products that I already have.