Can I sell you a shiny new Barrel?

To Strobe or NOT

Gentlemen, the mystery is solved. The "spot" on the top of the fuselage is the insulator of the entry point for the HF antenna.

Rotating beacons were introduced in the late 1950s and strobes even later.

- H52

For 3D light position all seem's good for me:




Rotating beacons were introduced in the late 1950s and strobes even later.

And the strobe flash nicely ... ROFL
But it's something bizzare .... :)
If you use the "L" command for the lights .. the navigation lights and strobe light will no more lid .. at next "L" command (on my install at least!)
Only the port landing light and cockpit light will lid.
Gentlemen, the mystery is solved. The "spot" on the top of the fuselage is the insulator of the entry point for the HF antenna.

Rotating beacons were introduced in the late 1950s and strobes even later.

- H52

That was only on the Gulfhawk Hawkeye, the Navy and Marine F3Fs had two aerial wiring posts on each side of the fuselage.

Caz, most of the F3F pix I have show the dual antennae, but a few show a single wire from the tail and apparently a lead-in to the top of the fuselage, as on the Gulfhawk. I'll grant you that MOST show the dual wing-to-tail antennae, however there is only one lead-in to the fuselage, and it is on the port side.

But even the a/c with the dual wing-to-tail antennae still have that "spot" on the top of the fuselage. It most certainly is not a strobe. What is your theory?
- H52
Hawkeye, I have seen photos with only one antenna lead, usually with only one aerial wire running from (generally) the starboard wing post to the tail post and leading into the starboard fuselage serial post. But the Gulfhawk is the only one I have seen with the fuselage post on the top.
Different radios I am sure.

Those replication paints on the refurbished F3Fs at airliners just guess to show how wrong some replication paints can be. Code locations are off, most seen panted gray, even the wings on one.

Those old Profile Publications were the best, I have a slew, both on planes and autos. I wish they would be re-released.

picture on top left of page 8 of the profile publication linked by claudius mentions the light, and calls it a "section light."
OK, I believe the mystery is now truly solved. Modelr has nailed it: a "section light". This explains why it is on virtually every F3F pic, regardless of antenna config. Thank God for Profiles! Those, and the books by William Green, are treasure troves.

Claudius, thanks for the Profile; that did it! And thanks for the collection of F3F pix, but I agree with Caz that many restorations involve guesses, and some are not well researched. I'm sure you've seen many questionable overall paint colors, a major "detail".

Caz, referring to the Profile, I did not see any with antenna lead-ins on both sides. Are you considering deleting the starboard lead on your textures?

- H52
Caz, referring to the Profile, I did not see any with antenna lead-ins on both sides. Are you considering deleting the starboard lead on your textures?

- H52

Can't do hawkeye, the aerial wiring is in the model (.mdl) file. I could delete the post I made on the texture, but the wiring would still be there.

No sweat. Truth be told, my real "objection" is that the wire is so thick.

Do not let that detract from your super re-paints, Caz!!! I thank you. :applause: :medals:

- H52