Can I Test DCS before I Buy it? Can I fly a Free A-4?


Staff member
Unlike some other flight sims, Eagle Dynamics, the creators of Digital Combat Simulator (DCS), allows you to load and test drive DCS. If you are happy with the free maps and planes that they allow you to test, you don't ever have to spend one thin dime (or Euro, Dollar, Centavo, Penny, etc.) to continue to enjoy those maps and planes. In fact, you can also get "free" DCS community supported modules (called "mods") from the DCS Forums and other locations (Reddit, Github, etc.). One "good" free community supported mod that I have heard about is the A-4. I loaded and flew the A-4 in my DCS sim once and it looks and flies great.

Go to for more information.

Search for free DCS A-4 mod and see the many results. Placing a mod in DCS has some of the complexity of placing a new aircraft in MSFS (i.e., finding the proper location or locations).

These are my last couple tips on this subject:
1. If you desire to purchase a Module and are not anxious, wait for one of the frequent sales - 30% to 50% off.
2. The Flaming Cliffs Module is priced like one (1) of the modern fighter aircraft (e.g. F-18C) BUT contains several more modern aircraft:

  • F-15C
  • A-10A
  • Su-27
  • J-11
  • Su-33
  • Su-25
  • MiG-29
  • MiG-29S
  • F-5E FC
  • F-86F FC
  • MiG-15bis FC
Just like all sims the downside is you have to go through the process of binding controls....ugh! Good luck.

P.S. I went and searched "free A-4 DCS mod" and here is a link to the top result -
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You have about a week and a half before I'll come to harass you about DCS. I'll be off during three weeks! :)

You have about a week and a half before I'll come to harass you about DCS. I'll be off during three weeks! :)

I've recently entered my 7th decade and I would guess most people think I've been off most of that time. So you'll get no pity from me for being off only 3 weeks! (Happy holidaze, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Merry Kwanzaa or whatever holiday is celebrated around this time of year in your beer drinking area of the world. I will be celebrating with a fine Canadian Whiskey, Sprite and lemon because beer (no matter how good) no longer agrees with me.)
To prove the theory, I D\L'd the DCS Community (free of charge) A-4, placed it in a simple mission on the (free of charge) Caucus Map and the attached photo is the A-4 sitting on the ramp. Because it took me far too long to figure out how to "start" the A-4, no inflight shots yet. (Why read the manual when you can keep pushing buttons?)
You can try any of the modules for free for 2 weeks, including terrains, at full features.

None of these screens are edited in any way. All liveries by me. B-17G is AI asset part of the WWII asset pack.






@rvn817j I've installed DCS, including FC and the free maps and so forth.

I'll be thinking what I'm going to give myself for Christmas!

I've just had a blast with the paid for Eagle Dynamics CH-47 Chinook armed with three AI gunners - thats my kind of gunship, just needs to be painted black and I'd be happy!
[I was contemplating putting this reply in its own thread, but for now I will leave it here.]

The attached video, produced by a long time DCS videographer named "Longshot", is well done and helpful.

It shows several mods for DCS and highlights 2 "community supported" FREE aircraft (the A-4 AND an Su-30 Flanker). That brings the number of DCS FREE aircraft to at least 4. So you can fly DCS for free forever with those 4 aircraft. I'd say pretty darn good.

(I think it's such a great deal I'm going to sticky this thread!)
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Honestly the next 2 years are going to be epic for DCS. A full fidelity F-15C MSIP II circa 2012 with L16. And an F-35A Blk II. F-16C Sniper TGP.
On the horizon is F-100D, Eurofighter, A-6E, F-4 (USN variant), MiG-29A, J-8B,Tornado, Kfir, Skyraider, F6F, F-8 Crusader, A-7E, Fiat G.91 -- of what I can remember!
And updated new Mirage 2000C exterior model coming soon! For free for existing customers!
I tried the Su-30 community supported aircraft. It takes a couple minutes and some reading, but it works. I tried one of the "instant" scenarios and got shot down a few times. But check out the pix of the AI -
